
  • How can Monism (Advaita) and Dualism (Dvaita), with reference to the Upanishads, be shown to be one and the same?
    Aug 30 2024
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    Neither the Advaitis nor the Dwaitis would accept this equation. Each side is biased by what their preceptors have said. And the debate goes on, about which is the right view. I think if we can see that both are same, many confusions would get resolved. But how do we do that within the framework of the Upanishads?

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  • What is Brahmacharya, and how helpful is it in life or spirituality and meditation?
    Aug 22 2024
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    This word Brahmacharya is probably the most misunderstood word. People somehow link it to ‘preserving sexual energy’, being celibate, transmuting thesexual power’ etc. There is a long history behind all these notions and it is hard to see the light.

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  • What is realization, and what happens when you reach there as per Upanishads?
    Aug 14 2024
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    As per the traditional belief, whatever truth one finds in the Upanishads is an attempt by the Upanishadic sages to explain their experience, that they had when they were in deep state of meditation. That is the realization they arrived at. It is a different matter whether they could describe their experience exactly as they went through it. But anyone who goes on their path, would surely experience the very same truth and it needs no further validation.

    What is this realization as per the Upanishads?

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  • What is realization, and what happens when you reach there – as per Bhagavad Gita?
    Jul 29 2024
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    The Bhagavad Gita has a complete chapter on meditation – chapter 6, Dhyana Yoga. This deals with how someone undertakes this path of realization or attainment of ultimate truth. It also explains what happens when someone reaches the culmination of this path and what is the ultimate truth that one realizes.

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  • Quick update
    Jul 27 2024
    [Quick links] [Pause] I am now on Quora. You can follow me on my Quora profile page https://www.quora.com/profile/Dr-King-Swami-Satyapriya, or follow my space https://drking.quora.com and enjoy all interesting questions and answers. You can shoot your own questions if any.
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  • Romance 05. Have you seen my beloved?
    Apr 9 2024
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    Akka Mahadevi is on the final phase of her journey. She wants to make the impossible possible. Though without a body consciousness, she does have a body and that body has its own limitations. It wants to see the formless in some form. That is because it can only perceive forms. It does not understand abstract things.

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  • Romance 04. I swear, you can’t trick me!
    Apr 2 2024
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    In the previous episode, we saw how a young girl namely Mahadevi dared to take on the entire world. She did not care how the worldly people look at her. She discarded all identities, even the identity as a female!

    She went around naked without any hesitation or feeling of shame.

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  • Romance 03. He haunts me in my dreams, the curly haired one!
    Mar 26 2024
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    Before we get into this dreaming business, let us start this episode with a startling incident.

    It was an assembly of great saints, all of whom had experienced God in their own way. There were men and women who had gathered together to share their individual experiences with each other. They had also come for a serious discussion about how the society can be reformed.

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