Lets Chisme Con Chanti

Auteur(s): Hi Hello Labs
  • Résumé

  • Prepárense para sumergirse en un mundo lleno de chismes jugosos, anécdotas cautivadoras y un festín gastronómico, porque, como bien nos cuenta Chantal Aybar, "la comida es mi vida". En este podcast, exploraremos historias fascinantes, conoceremos a invitados especiales y nos sumergiremos en el apasionante mundo de la comida y la cultura. Acompáñanos en esta aventura de sabor, risas y momentos inolvidables. ¡Lets Chisme!
    Hi Hello Labs
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  • 35. Can You Juggle It All? Funky Bacalao’s Guide to Balance
    Dec 6 2024
    Ivelis Matos a.k.a. Funky Bacalao is here to spill the tea on topics, from social media, unpredictable weather forecasts to the bustling world of ballroom dancing. Ever wondered what it's like behind the scenes of a realtor while navigating the wild terrain of social media? Funky Bacalao opens up about all this and more, sharing personal experiences, surprise moments, and even a sprinkle of scandalous chisme!

    Don't miss out! Smash that subscribe button, give us a thumbs up, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on all our latest episodes. Leave a comment below on your favorite part of this episode, and let’s keep the conversation going!

    Get cozy and let’s chisme! 🍿

    0:00 - Introduction
    2:15 - Funky Bacalao’s Weather Reporting Adventures
    10:40 - The Overwhelming World of Social Media
    18:25 - Unveiling the Secrets of Dancing with the Stars Salsa Edition
    27:00 - Real Estate Tips and Tricks
    35:45 - Fun and Surprising Moments

    #LetsChisme #FunkyBacalao #PuertoRico #SalsaDancing #WeatherChannel #RealEstateTips #SocialMediaOverload #DancingWithTheStars #BallroomDancing #PodcastEpisode #SubscribeNow #PuertoRicanPride

    Let’s Chisme Con Chanti is hosted by Chantal Aybar of Let's Try This Orlando: https://www.instagram.com/letstrythis_orlando/
    Produced by Hi Hello Labs: https://www.instagram.com/hihellolabs/
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    56 min
  • 34. Secrets to Enjoying Food Without Guilt (ft. Gerardo & Jenny)
    Nov 22 2024
    In this exciting episode, we kick things off with a warm dive right into the juicy topics you love. Join us as we chat about everything from fitness tips to delicious foodie favorites like "sour chicken with rice" and "protein pasta."

    You'll also hear about our special "2 for 22" offer that you don’t want to miss!
    Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE the channel to stay updated with all the latest chisme. Your support means the world to us!

    👇 Hit that bell icon for notifications and join the Let’s Chisme family!

    #LetsChisme #Podcast #Chisme #Fitness #Foodie #SpecialGuests #LikeSubscribeShare

    Let’s Chisme Con Chanti is hosted by Chantal Aybar of Let's Try This Orlando: https://www.instagram.com/letstrythis_orlando/
    Produced by Hi Hello Labs: https://www.instagram.com/hihellolabs/
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    1 h et 2 min
  • 33. Faking it Until You Make It With Marcos & Mario Allende
    Nov 8 2024
    In this whirlwind of an episode, special guests Marco and Mario dive into a mix of topics, from mysterious references to strategic discussions around company partnerships and emergency operations. Ever wondered how "fake it until you make it" applies in a professional conference setting? Mario has some thoughts on that!

    As Marco and Mario express their gratitude to collaborators and their audience, you'll not only get a glimpse into their unique brand but also pick up some insight into the nuances of performance, strategy, and collaboration. Listen in and uncover the layers of compelling stories and expert insights these brothers have to offer.

    LetsChisme #RestaurantesOrlando #FoodTruck #NegociosLocales #Emprendimiento #FinanzasPersonales #PodcastsEnEspañol #Culinaria
    Conécten con Marcos y Mario: https://www.instagram.com/venpacarestaurantefl/profilecard/?igsh=dzRzaGh6bWo5N3Zw

    Let’s Chisme Con Chanti is hosted by Chantal Aybar of Let's Try This Orlando: https://www.instagram.com/letstrythis_orlando/
    Produced by Hi Hello Labs: https://www.instagram.com/hihellolabs/
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 2 min

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