With the right partner, SEX can be an amazing and mind blowing experience. Over time, when the honeymoon phase ends, it can also become a complicated, frustrating, point of contention within a marriage or long term relationship. A disconnect in the bedroom can lead to unhappiness, resentment, infidelity and even divorce. There are so many variables that are involved with cultivating a healthy sexual relationship with your partner, and sometimes we need some professional help to find our way back to love, and sexual connection.
In this episode, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Helena A. Johnson and I address the elephants in the bedroom. We took a candid, and intimate look at SEX, trauma, triggers, myths, and what you can do to bring healing to yourself, and heat back into your bedroom.
To learn more about her practice visit: www.helenajohnsoncounseling.com
Follow her on social media @Helena_the_Therapist