This episode is a shorter episode with just myself, providing an update on the state of the podcast, as well as talking about World Suicide Prevention Day.
I had to take a break this last month and a half for my own mental health, and explain in the episode why, about how I want to be more honest about my own mental health, and talk about how I am really feeling.
I also talk about World Suicide Prevention Day, talk about my own recovery after my attempts as well as the great work being done by the Zero Suicide Alliance.
You can check out their work and the free training they provide at:
Help and support is available right now if you need it. You do not have to struggle with difficult feelings alone.
Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123
call a GP – ask for an emergency appointment
call 111 out of hours – they will help you find the support and help you need
contact your mental health crisis team – if you have one