The Grounded Futures Show, Ep #19 Liberated Care, with Zena Sharman
“I think about care as a process, as an ongoing act of weaving — that it is this active thing that we do, that happens in relationships, that happens in communities.”
Zena Sharman joins the show to talk casting spells and weaving webs of care beyond institutions. This episode is all about intergenerational solidarity, and queering kinship and care in the everyday. Zena is a writer, speaker, strategist and LGBTQ+ health advocate and our conversation goes deep into the radical possibilities for care as an ongoing, consensual process — from grief care to ageing and dying, to gender open parenting, to centring pleasure and disability justice in health care.
Show Notes
Follow Zena on Twitter
Zena’s two books:
The Care We Dream Of: Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health
The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care
Photo of Zena for show is by K. Ho
- Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s books Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice and The Future is Disabled
- Megan Linton’s Invisible Institutions podcast
- Hil Malatino’s book Trans Care (the free open access version is available here)
- Jules Gill-Peterson's article Doctors Who? Radical lessons from the history of DIY transition
- I didn't mention it during the interview, but this podcast interview The Legend of the Orchi Shed with Guest Eilís Ni Fhlannagáin is another wonderful example of an oral history about trans DIY health care
- The book Trans Bodies, Trans Selves (second edition)
- Katie Batza’s book Before AIDS: Gay Health Politics in the 1970s
- Dean Spade's mutual aid course syllabus, which includes Katie Batza's book alongside other health-related titles like Alondra Nelson’s book Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination...