What part do you want government to play in regulating birth choice?
With 15 states left to create a licensure process for CPM’s, 42 states left to create a licensure Process for CM’s, And 29 states still to create a licensure process for ND-Midwives, well as fully half the states not offering autonomous practice for CNM’s, the legal and autonomous practice of midwives in the United States is a huge barrier to increasing the numbers of the profession. Midwives are trained to provide the gold-standard in maternity care for low-risk women, however they still account for less than 9% of births nationwide. Join our midwife and advocate panelists, Joyce Kimball, CPM, Sarah Davis, MA & Sarah Foster, CPM, MA along with hosts, midwife, Augustine Colebrook, MA & attorney Kesha Chiappinelli, JD, IBCLC as they discuss the laws across the country, especially in CA, OK, AR, MA.
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