
  • ChildFree - Do I Want Children?
    Jan 2 2021
    Anna was always childfree (by choice) until her husband came back from vacation and changed his mind. She reached out on the Reddit community r/childfree for help - watch as she talks to Paul & Ryan about the difficult compromises she made. Transcript: ----more----     0:00:01.760,0:00:06.720 Hi, welcome to the show. As part of this series  on the decision about whether to have children, 0:00:06.720,0:00:11.520 we're joined by Anna who's here to give us her  insight. We're not here to make any particular 0:00:11.520,0:00:16.480 judgment, simply to chat about the factors  which real people, just like you, take into 0:00:16.480,0:00:22.480 consideration. Hi Anna, how are you today? hi i'm doing okay i'm just i'm enjoying my 0:00:23.120,0:00:30.240 my day off with my husband good yeah  anna tell us a bit about yourself 0:00:32.000,0:00:39.440 well uh i'm recently married as of last year  made it just in time before the virus made it 0:00:39.440,0:00:53.520 uh um and i am currently working from home full  time so i don't see outside very much but uh 0:00:53.520,0:01:03.920 i usually am i usually don't i'm not the type of  person that enjoys the type the crowds uh um i 0:01:03.920,0:01:13.680 i've always i i don't really hang out too much uh  a lot like i i don't go to parties i never really 0:01:14.800,0:01:21.600 had a similar lifestyle to folks that were  in their 20s. i was different from my peers 0:01:22.640,0:01:27.520 uh i can relate to that i've said that the virus  hasn't really changed my life much i just everyone 0:01:27.520,0:01:34.080 else is doing what i normally do so absolutely  it's funny as soon as you said that anna i thought 0:01:34.080,0:01:38.560 oh that describes me really well as well so me too  i've always been disciplined i'm not sure anna if 0:01:38.560,0:01:43.680 you're familiar with this expression uh on your  side of the pond but here i've often been called 0:01:43.680,0:01:49.920 old before my time does that mean anything to  you yeah it does yes apparently what's me too 0:01:49.920,0:01:55.920 we found each other perfectly here i don't  think i fit the stereotype of folks in my 0:01:55.920,0:02:03.360 generation sure what age are you anna i'm 29 yeah  you're just a little bit older than me i'm 28 0:02:04.560,0:02:08.080 and and somewhat younger than i am  yeah well maybe not going to specifics 0:02:10.320,0:02:13.600 and we can tell from your accent you're not  clearly not from scotland as we are where 0:02:13.600,0:02:18.000 are you from in particular  i'm from the united states 0:02:18.000,0:02:24.640 on the east coast um in the state of  pennsylvania um in the city of steel pittsburgh 0:02:27.360,0:02:35.200 yeah i live in one of the uh more in the rest they  call this area the rust belt so there's a lot of 0:02:35.200,0:02:46.160 aging buildings um a lot of uh how do i describe  it uh there's a a lot of abandoned steel mills but 0:02:46.720,0:02:54.400 a lot of things were revitalized and a lot of our  economy turned into health care and education so 0:02:54.400,0:02:58.800 we had a similar thing in in britain where it went  from kind of manufacturing and things like that 0:02:58.800,0:03:03.840 to more service-based things and it's very similar  it'll be a similar thing for that area i think 0:03:04.480,0:03:10.480 yeah so anna you said you're 29 and  you recently married just before Covid 0:03:11.600,0:03:20.960 yeah we made it just in time i had no idea Covid  was uh i don't think anyone knew Covid was going 0:03:20.960,0:03:29.760 to come around that time i i we i thought getting  married in 2019 was a bit of an off number but 0:03:31.120,0:03:39.600 uh me and my husband at the time were having a  slight disagreement and a comment came up in the 0:03:39.600,0:03:47.680 beginning of 2019 and it was like we're not even  married yet and we had been together uh i think uh 0:03:47.680,0:03:56.720 that time almost seven years um so i said you  know what by the end of this year we're gonna be 0:03:56.720,0:03:59.840 married 0:04:04.320,0:04:11.440 that was well done yeah it was well done under  the wire yeah so anna you don't have any kids at 0:04:11.440,0:04:19.040 present is that right correct okay and we'll talk  more about that and what kind of factors there are 0:04:19.040,0:04:23.120 in that as well but i wonder if we could start off  maybe we're talking about about your upbringing 0:04:23.120,0:04:28.160 you mentioned yourself being um i'm not sure if  introverts may be the right word but certainly 0:04:28.160,0:04:34.800 not feeling as if you did the same sort of things  as your peers what was your life like growing up 0:04:36.320,0:04:45.120 oh growing up uh i i had trouble making friends  uh i didn't really get into fights per se 0:04:46.000,0:04:52.240 but i had trouble getting close to people  that were outside of my family my brothers 0:04:52.240,0:05:01.120 and sisters and my cousins were my best friends  uh those were ...
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    1 h et 2 min
  • ChildFree - Planning For Tubal Ligation Surgery
    Jan 2 2021
    Jilly is childfree (by choice) so has opted for bilateral salpingectomy (tube removal) surgery as an alternative to contraception. This method of sterilization is permanent contraception to allow her to remain childfree/never have children and prevents the need for other birth control to prevent pregnancy. Her family don't know that they plan to remain a childless couple - find out all about her decision and how she plans to tell them. Transcript: ----more---- 0:00:00.080,0:00:05.280 hi welcome to the show as part of this series  on the decision about whether to have children 0:00:05.280,0:00:09.360 we're joined today by julie who's here to  give us her insights we're not here to make 0:00:09.360,0:00:14.160 any particular judgment just to chat about some  of the factors which real people just like you 0:00:14.160,0:00:21.280 take into consideration hi guys how are you  doing hi ryan how are you good to see you again 0:00:21.280,0:00:24.720 i'm good thank you and we don't  talk enough paul we need to fix that 0:00:24.720,0:00:27.280 well this is what we're here for this  is why we're doing life is it just me 0:00:27.920,0:00:32.400 this is what it's all about well we're about to  find out julie's here to talk to us julie tell us 0:00:32.400,0:00:41.520 a bit about yourself uh so i'm obviously female  um we'll be 30 later this month so close enough 0:00:41.520,0:00:47.600 well happy birthday for when that comes  i'm getting old um you said that yeah well 0:00:50.640,0:00:57.200 i don't want kids so i'm going for  surgery instead and your surgery is this 0:00:57.200,0:01:04.880 friday four days from now as of this recording  tell us a bit then just briefly about the actual 0:01:04.880,0:01:11.760 surgery and what we'll delve into that later  yeah so i am going for a bilateral self-injecting 0:01:11.760,0:01:18.480 if that's how i say it or by self so they're going  to entirely remove both looping tubes um which 0:01:19.760,0:01:23.440 it's just it's better than a lot of the  other traditional tubal operations because 0:01:24.080,0:01:28.080 much less much lower chance for like ectopic  pregnancies it lowers your risk for a lot of 0:01:28.080,0:01:35.600 ovarian cancers on top of just no babies okay  okay they had to do a lot of research because 0:01:35.600,0:01:39.360 there are quite a few options on exactly how  to get different ways to get sterilized well 0:01:39.360,0:01:44.080 that was going to be one of our questions  and obviously it still is it still is yes 0:01:46.320,0:01:52.480 um self-injecting me that's the the procedure  you're having yep yep i said that right great 0:01:52.480,0:01:59.440 yeah and bilateral self-injecting so and some  people would think that that's quite an extreme 0:01:59.440,0:02:04.160 step to take obviously you've not got there  lightly you've taken a lot of consideration 0:02:04.160,0:02:09.040 you just said that you've done a research what  were the other options could you kind of outline 0:02:09.040,0:02:14.000 some of the other options that were available  so i mean some of the other like more well not 0:02:14.000,0:02:18.240 popular but more commonly known ways i'm doing  is just doing a tubal ligation which is either 0:02:18.880,0:02:23.920 they pinch or use little clips on the tubes  basically just block any flow or they'll 0:02:23.920,0:02:30.480 just cut small portions off and like cauterize  the ends um but there's a lot more things can 0:02:30.480,0:02:34.480 go wrong with that like you said higher risk of  ectopic pregnancies if they use devices there's 0:02:34.480,0:02:40.400 a chance of your body not liking the fact that  there's devices in there and getting infections 0:02:40.400,0:02:46.000 or sometimes the eclipse will move right and  margaret so that just none of that sounded fun 0:02:48.080,0:02:53.120 so just by looking at all of the pros and cons i  wanted to do with the the bicep instead and then 0:02:53.120,0:02:58.720 when i went in for my consultation the ob gyn  i went to said that they pretty much only do 0:02:58.720,0:03:03.920 biceps now anyway because they're much  shorter surgery they're easier to do and 0:03:04.640,0:03:07.920 mainly because the added benefits  of lowering ovarian cancer risks so 0:03:08.800,0:03:14.720 at least in my area that's the more common one  to go for okay and where is it roughly you don't 0:03:14.720,0:03:19.120 have to give us like your postal address  or anything roughly where are you located 0:03:19.120,0:03:24.640 i am in new hampshire in the united states  okay okay and but we're going to delve into 0:03:26.240,0:03:32.880 the the surgery i guess itself and some of  the reasons um later on but i wanted to just 0:03:32.880,0:03:37.200 get to know a little bit about you and your  your upbringing before and and how you sort 0:03:37.200,0:03:40.880 of got to this place if that's the right way of  putting it so if you could start there please 0:03:41.520,0:03:47.680 so yeah...
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    38 min
  • I'm ChildFree - My Tubal Ligation Surgery Experience
    Jan 2 2021
    "How dare you have a uterus and not use it!" Childfree (by choice) Jilly recently underwent bilateral salpingectomy surgery - a type of sterilization to allow her to remain childfree/never have children. This alternative to contraception avoids the need for other types of birth control to prevent pregnancy. Now that she is sterilized and will remain a childless couple, she tells Paul & Ryan about her surgery. Transcript:----more---- 0:00:00.400,0:00:05.200 and with the power of the internet power of a a  magical time machine that is the internet we are 0:00:05.200,0:00:10.880 here jumping forward two and a bit weeks  and we're back with jelly and ryan hi guys 0:00:13.280,0:00:16.080 and obviously for continuity  we're in exactly the same outfits 0:00:18.160,0:00:22.560 i should have thought about that shouldn't we  yeah i don't think i was wearing a white t-shirt 0:00:22.560,0:00:27.280 the last time but anyway too i do have a a better  mustache than i did you remember i was having to 0:00:27.280,0:00:32.080 grow my mustache for movember the charity well  this is the final product what are the thoughts 0:00:33.680,0:00:38.400 yeah lots of growth i'm gonna keep them to  myself i knew you would i knew you would 0:00:38.960,0:00:45.600 that's a huge beard anyway whatever jelly good to  have you back how are you thank you i know pretty 0:00:45.600,0:00:51.520 good um yeah pretty much coming up on this  is week three i believe whatever recovery so 0:00:52.480,0:00:55.920 things are healing just taking  care of the incisions so 0:00:57.440,0:01:03.840 okay um talk us through then take us back  to the day of the op i remember messaging 0:01:03.840,0:01:06.960 you the night before just to say sort of good  luck looking forward to hearing how it goes 0:01:08.720,0:01:14.960 i know i know i set a reminder how did  the take us through that morning waking 0:01:14.960,0:01:19.280 up and the whole the whole process  yes um yeah so it wasn't about to 0:01:19.280,0:01:25.840 eat or drink anything from midnight until  surgery um so apart from having a raging headache 0:01:27.520,0:01:32.400 um but we went in first thing in the morning um my  husband came with me after they needed someone to 0:01:32.400,0:01:37.360 drive me there and back um and they were only  allowing people to bring one person with them 0:01:37.360,0:01:42.880 into the hospital anyway so that was him but i  let him stay for the whole thing which was nice 0:01:42.880,0:01:49.600 um but yeah so when got checked in they just did  like some general post off stuff got a post off 0:01:49.600,0:01:56.400 pre-op stuff got like my v put in stuff um that  was probably the longest weight was beforehand 0:01:56.400,0:01:59.600 getting into surgery just because they  still had some stuff they had to set up but 0:02:00.880,0:02:07.600 that was no big deal um i mean i pray up nurses  talk to me the surgeon came over to talk to me the 0:02:07.600,0:02:13.040 anesthesiologist came over to talk to me so pretty  much everyone came over and talked me through 0:02:13.040,0:02:18.640 their bits of it which i really appreciate because  i like knowing how things are going to go um 0:02:19.600,0:02:27.200 so we're really into surgery under pretty quickly  that went well um it's only maybe half an hour 0:02:27.200,0:02:33.360 i think for the whole like surgery time so  pretty quick um didn't take me that long all 0:02:33.360,0:02:36.720 to come back out of anesthesia and then just  wait around till they give them a paperwork 0:02:38.720,0:02:45.520 um but yeah the probably the most irritating after  effects was because they have to like fill your 0:02:45.520,0:02:52.000 abdomen with um gas so they have more room to work  with that then like presses against nerves up in 0:02:52.000,0:02:56.880 your abdomen causes a lot of like shoulder and  upper chest pain for a few days afterwards yeah 0:02:58.320,0:03:05.040 so that was part of the most uncomfortableness  healing afterwards um i had heard that was a 0:03:05.040,0:03:09.600 possibility so he's just prepared for it but it  was kind of just you know have some feeding pads 0:03:09.600,0:03:14.560 and waited out kind of thing but that was way more  bothersome than like any of the incision sites 0:03:15.120,0:03:21.040 well that and my throat after the intubation  tube but okay yeah that was pretty sore 0:03:21.840,0:03:26.880 but yeah it wasn't a big thing to do or  anything everyone was there was really nice and 0:03:27.920,0:03:30.320 i was definitely like the youngest  person in there for surgery 0:03:31.200,0:03:34.480 because i could see their their board was right  outside my recovery room when i was watching the 0:03:34.480,0:03:38.720 different like ages and things scroll through  which i'm like oh everyone's like or is it 50 0:03:38.720,0:03:45.200 years old so i don't know why i just found  that amusing but i was younger that day but 0:03:46.480,0:03:52.720 how are you feeling and...
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    24 min
  • Child Loss Story - One Living Twin
    Jan 12 2021
    Jessica tells her story of grief, support and how she copes following the loss of one of her twins babies. She hopes to raise awareness to help others deal with similar situations and offers hope for the future. This connection was made on Reddit. Transcript:----more----   0:00:00.000,0:00:05.440 she was a twin her sister passed away 0:00:03.360,0:00:06.640 in the hospital from an infection it's 0:00:05.440,0:00:08.639 one of those things where we're actually 0:00:06.640,0:00:09.440 engaged in litigation with the hospital 0:00:08.639,0:00:11.920 because 0:00:09.440,0:00:13.280 it was pretty blatant negligence like i 0:00:11.920,0:00:16.280 really do remember 0:00:13.280,0:00:18.600 just trying to exist and survive 0:00:16.280,0:00:19.700 [Music] 0:00:18.600,0:00:24.480 [Applause] 0:00:19.700,0:00:27.519 [Music] 0:00:24.480,0:00:28.240 hello welcome to life it is just me the 0:00:27.519,0:00:29.599 podcast 0:00:28.240,0:00:31.679 where we talk about the things that 0:00:29.599,0:00:34.399 we're all going through we'll 0:00:31.679,0:00:36.079 have to deal with in life my name's paul 0:00:34.399,0:00:39.760 i'm joined today by ryan and 0:00:36.079,0:00:41.200 jessica hi guys hi how are you doing 0:00:39.760,0:00:43.520 really really good ryan how are you i'm 0:00:41.200,0:00:46.480 all right what about you paul 0:00:43.520,0:00:46.480 nobody ever asks you 0:00:46.879,0:00:50.800 i'm good i know well that's what happens 0:00:49.200,0:00:54.559 and you always do the intro so 0:00:50.800,0:00:57.440 what's to be expected and that's right 0:00:54.559,0:00:58.000 we are here to talk about having kids 0:00:57.440,0:01:00.640 having 0:00:58.000,0:01:02.800 children this is our focus for our our 0:01:00.640,0:01:05.040 season just now our first season yes 0:01:02.800,0:01:05.840 we don't offer any judgment we're just 0:01:05.040,0:01:07.520 here to 0:01:05.840,0:01:09.119 bring you some ideas and some stories 0:01:07.520,0:01:11.119 and some experiences from people 0:01:09.119,0:01:12.320 all around the world jessica that is why 0:01:11.119,0:01:14.159 you are here tell us a bit about 0:01:12.320,0:01:17.360 yourself please 0:01:14.159,0:01:19.360 um i'm an american from the middle of 0:01:17.360,0:01:21.600 america and like i said earlier let me 0:01:19.360,0:01:24.640 just apologize on behalf of 0:01:21.600,0:01:27.680 at least half of my country um 0:01:24.640,0:01:28.960 i'm i've been married for nine years 0:01:27.680,0:01:32.000 today actually it's 0:01:28.960,0:01:32.720 awesome oh congratulations yeah thank 0:01:32.000,0:01:34.960 you 0:01:32.720,0:01:37.680 um all i want well thank you for joining 0:01:34.960,0:01:40.640 us power at my house 0:01:37.680,0:01:42.240 it's a short list i'm glad you mentioned 0:01:40.640,0:01:43.439 the presidency because 0:01:42.240,0:01:44.640 i just i was going to mention it you 0:01:43.439,0:01:45.360 know in case someone's listening to this 0:01:44.640,0:01:47.520 and i don't know 0:01:45.360,0:01:48.479 2027 or something right now literally we 0:01:47.520,0:01:50.799 are awaiting 0:01:48.479,0:01:55.840 the results of some key states for the 0:01:50.799,0:01:55.840 2020 presidential election 0:02:00.240,0:02:05.840 yeah also you 100 0:02:03.759,0:02:07.200 you mentioned the electricity in your 0:02:05.840,0:02:10.000 house 0:02:07.200,0:02:10.640 yes we just had a really terrible ice 0:02:10.000,0:02:13.280 storm 0:02:10.640,0:02:14.959 so um everything was frozen and the 0:02:13.280,0:02:16.959 trees split and 0:02:14.959,0:02:18.080 knocked down a lot of lines and half the 0:02:16.959,0:02:21.120 city 0:02:18.080,0:02:23.440 um this was last tuesday i haven't had 0:02:21.120,0:02:24.959 power at my house since last tuesday so 0:02:23.440,0:02:27.440 i have been 0:02:24.959,0:02:29.120 living in a one-bedroom condo that some 0:02:27.440,0:02:30.800 friends of ours owns we're very very 0:02:29.120,0:02:32.000 fortunate on our end 0:02:30.800,0:02:33.920 but i've also means i've been 0:02:32.000,0:02:38.640 co-sleeping with a four-year-old 0:02:33.920,0:02:42.160 and do not recommend zero out of ten 0:02:38.640,0:02:44.480 i do not recommend so 0:02:42.160,0:02:46.720 i've been i've been kicked i have been 0:02:44.480,0:02:48.720 slapped i've been pushed 0:02:46.720,0:02:51.280 um i don't know how people i don't know 0:02:48.720,0:02:54.239 how people do that so 0:02:51.280,0:02:55.920 yes that's where that's where i'm at i 0:02:54.239,0:02:57.120 guess that sets the scene quite nicely 0:02:55.920,0:02:58.560 in there 0:02:57.120,0:03:00.720 you've told us about who you are and 0:02:58.560,0:03:04.159 certainly you you have a kid 0:03:00.720,0:03:06.159 you've got a four-year-old um and 0:03:04.159,0:03:07.360 tell us then about about your life 0:03:06.159,0:03:10.480 you're 34 just now 0:03:07.360,0:03:14.159 and you're how old is your is your child 0:03:10.480,0:03:17.360 she's four she's four now um 0:03:14.159,0:03:18.800 so i had her in 2016 when the world was 0:...
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    59 min
  • Childfree, Not Childless - My Life
    Jan 18 2021
    Omonike is a childfree (by choice) woman - she does not want kids. She talks about aspects of her childfree life and her decision to have a tubal ligation - sterilization surgery which will ensure she never has children. This connection was made on Reddit r/childfree. Transcript: ----more---- 0:00:00.080,0:00:03.199 and she found some of our stuff when we 0:00:01.680,0:00:04.720 were kids and 0:00:03.199,0:00:06.960 i think i was in the second grade she 0:00:04.720,0:00:08.639 saw this little booklet i made and had 0:00:06.960,0:00:10.960 all of my aspirations 0:00:08.639,0:00:12.400 for the rest of my life in there was 0:00:10.960,0:00:13.840 like i wanted three kids 0:00:12.400,0:00:17.900 and she showed it to me i was like burn 0:00:13.840,0:00:19.000 it burn it now 0:00:17.900,0:00:24.000 [Applause] 0:00:19.000,0:00:27.199 [Music] 0:00:24.000,0:00:29.439 hello welcome to life is it just me this 0:00:27.199,0:00:31.599 is the podcast where we look at things 0:00:29.439,0:00:33.040 that we all go through things we all 0:00:31.599,0:00:34.719 think about things we all 0:00:33.040,0:00:37.440 have to deal with in life this first 0:00:34.719,0:00:39.120 season has been and still is all about 0:00:37.440,0:00:40.879 the decision as to whether to have kids 0:00:39.120,0:00:44.000 my name is paul i'm joined as always 0:00:40.879,0:00:46.640 by ryan hello ryan hello 0:00:44.000,0:00:48.399 and our guest for this episode is oh 0:00:46.640,0:00:51.840 monica hi monikay 0:00:48.399,0:00:52.960 hello how are you i'm good 0:00:51.840,0:00:54.640 good to have you here thank you so much 0:00:52.960,0:00:56.840 for joining us tell us a bit about 0:00:54.640,0:01:00.000 yourself to start off 0:00:56.840,0:01:02.719 um you know i just turned 35 0:01:00.000,0:01:03.039 last week um happy birthday from last 0:01:02.719,0:01:06.320 week 0:01:03.039,0:01:07.920 i'm a public sector worker uh so i um 0:01:06.320,0:01:10.560 i'm a trainee appraiser for the state of 0:01:07.920,0:01:11.280 illinois and you know by night i have a 0:01:10.560,0:01:15.280 bunch of 0:01:11.280,0:01:19.119 weird hobbies i watch anime 0:01:15.280,0:01:22.880 um i love horror movies uh i am a brony 0:01:19.119,0:01:24.720 a furry uh just a lot of weird stuff i 0:01:22.880,0:01:25.600 like sewing as well i usually sew like 0:01:24.720,0:01:28.159 stuffed animals 0:01:25.600,0:01:29.360 i should one day sell practical things 0:01:28.159,0:01:32.640 right now 0:01:29.360,0:01:37.360 like things but just sitting again 0:01:32.640,0:01:39.680 you're having fun yes oh absolutely yeah 0:01:37.360,0:01:42.880 i think that my little pony episodes 0:01:39.680,0:01:42.880 we'll do in the next season 0:01:43.200,0:01:47.119 i've seen them all because uh obviously 0:01:45.040,0:01:48.720 i've got children and 0:01:47.119,0:01:50.000 and i've got an excuse to watch my 0:01:48.720,0:01:52.960 little pony even though i've watched it 0:01:50.000,0:01:56.320 without them but don't tell anybody 0:01:52.960,0:01:56.320 i think it excuses the wrong word 0:01:57.360,0:02:02.399 desire the want okay take us back to 0:02:01.040,0:02:03.680 your childhood and tell us 0:02:02.399,0:02:05.280 about your upbringing police which we 0:02:03.680,0:02:06.640 know is going to be relevant to the 0:02:05.280,0:02:09.759 conversation we're having today about 0:02:06.640,0:02:12.640 about children um 0:02:09.759,0:02:14.480 at a very normal childhood uh i grew up 0:02:12.640,0:02:16.319 in a two-parent household 0:02:14.480,0:02:18.640 and i mean i don't live with them 0:02:16.319,0:02:22.000 anymore but they're still together 0:02:18.640,0:02:24.480 uh just standard mom and dad uh 0:02:22.000,0:02:25.840 i am the oldest of three children uh i 0:02:24.480,0:02:27.360 have a brother in the middle who's six 0:02:25.840,0:02:30.319 years younger than me and my sister 0:02:27.360,0:02:32.800 is 13 years younger than me she's 0:02:30.319,0:02:36.000 currently a college student 0:02:32.800,0:02:38.239 but i had a very good childhood i 0:02:36.000,0:02:39.680 definitely didn't want for anything i 0:02:38.239,0:02:42.800 got a lot of 0:02:39.680,0:02:44.400 opportunities that others didn't um 0:02:42.800,0:02:46.319 some of which my dad didn't care for 0:02:44.400,0:02:48.400 like video games but 0:02:46.319,0:02:50.239 uh my my mom wanted to have as many 0:02:48.400,0:02:53.120 experiences as possible 0:02:50.239,0:02:54.160 uh uh you know i grew up i guess middle 0:02:53.120,0:02:56.160 upper middle class 0:02:54.160,0:02:57.920 i i don't really know i don't know how 0:02:56.160,0:02:58.720 much my parents made some of my business 0:02:57.920,0:03:02.480 but 0:02:58.720,0:03:05.840 um my mom was a general practitioner 0:03:02.480,0:03:07.200 so a physician and my father was a civil 0:03:05.840,0:03:11.280 engineer both are currently 0:03:07.200,0:03:14.480 hired so you know they 0:03:11.280,0:03:16.959 they made a decent amount of money and i 0:03:14.480,0:03:19.360 grew up going a bunch of...
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    1 h et 3 min
  • I Conceive But Can't Carry Children
    Jan 26 2021
    Linzi (Ryan's sister) can conceive but struggles to carry children full term due to a blood disorder where her blood doesn't clot. She also has lipodystrophy syndrome, meaning she can't produce fat. She talks in full about conception and the reasons why she can't carry babies, the signs to look out for and the journey of going through IVF treatment. She also discusses living with children in the family despite not having her own.----more---- 0:00:00.000,0:00:06.799 you have to have a bmi of under 35 0:00:03.840,0:00:08.320 now i struggle to lose weight but i 0:00:06.799,0:00:11.840 pushed and pushed and i got 0:00:08.320,0:00:12.719 myself down to 32.5 i went up to the 0:00:11.840,0:00:14.920 hospital 0:00:12.719,0:00:17.400 and they told me that the guidelines had 0:00:14.920,0:00:18.500 changed 0:00:17.400,0:00:23.680 [Applause] 0:00:18.500,0:00:26.160 [Music] 0:00:23.680,0:00:28.240 hi welcome to the show this is is it 0:00:26.160,0:00:30.400 just me the podcast which 0:00:28.240,0:00:31.840 you don't usually have me stop so that's 0:00:30.400,0:00:34.480 a bit weird for a start 0:00:31.840,0:00:34.880 and the reason why i've it is weird that 0:00:34.480,0:00:37.200 i'm 0:00:34.880,0:00:37.920 like taking over hosting g's ha ha this 0:00:37.200,0:00:38.250 is my show 0:00:37.920,0:00:40.960 i'm off 0:00:38.250,0:00:42.320 [Laughter] 0:00:40.960,0:00:44.079 so paul and i are with you again as 0:00:42.320,0:00:44.960 always and the reason why this one is a 0:00:44.079,0:00:48.559 little bit different 0:00:44.960,0:00:51.199 is that our guest is family 0:00:48.559,0:00:53.039 so that's always a bit weird right 0:00:51.199,0:00:54.640 definite first time for everything 0:00:53.039,0:00:56.320 there is a first time for everything so 0:00:54.640,0:00:59.039 we've done a few episodes now 0:00:56.320,0:01:00.719 based on um what factors and 0:00:59.039,0:01:03.280 considerations you have to make 0:01:00.719,0:01:04.479 in order to have children whether you're 0:01:03.280,0:01:05.760 going to have children or not have 0:01:04.479,0:01:07.680 children 0:01:05.760,0:01:09.680 and the choices and the considerations 0:01:07.680,0:01:11.760 that go hand in hand with that now 0:01:09.680,0:01:12.880 we're trying to cover kind of mundane 0:01:11.760,0:01:14.560 things or 0:01:12.880,0:01:16.240 things that are normal you know real 0:01:14.560,0:01:18.400 life real people 0:01:16.240,0:01:21.119 and the reason why we think this is 0:01:18.400,0:01:23.840 really interesting is because people 0:01:21.119,0:01:24.720 don't really talk about it openly as 0:01:23.840,0:01:26.799 much as 0:01:24.720,0:01:29.280 you would think they would since this is 0:01:26.799,0:01:30.960 meant to be so normal and so mundane 0:01:29.280,0:01:32.799 um and we found some really really 0:01:30.960,0:01:34.320 interesting people up till now 0:01:32.799,0:01:37.280 and unfortunately now all we're left 0:01:34.320,0:01:37.280 with is my sister 0:01:37.680,0:01:42.720 thanks for watching 0:01:40.120,0:01:45.439 [Laughter] 0:01:42.720,0:01:47.360 i know so my sister has some unique 0:01:45.439,0:01:50.560 insight on this this is lindsay 0:01:47.360,0:01:52.159 she's with us today and she has a unique 0:01:50.560,0:01:55.040 insight on this because it's 0:01:52.159,0:01:56.560 um the other side of the coin to what 0:01:55.040,0:01:59.040 the other episodes have 0:01:56.560,0:02:00.719 been looking at and we thought that it 0:01:59.040,0:02:01.920 was good to explore kind of different 0:02:00.719,0:02:03.920 angles different avenues 0:02:01.920,0:02:07.040 and and get kind of a rounded picture 0:02:03.920,0:02:08.399 for the entire season so we're probably 0:02:07.040,0:02:11.360 paul and i have discussed it and we're 0:02:08.399,0:02:14.000 hoping that it's not going to be 0:02:11.360,0:02:15.920 um a one-sided thing and that we might 0:02:14.000,0:02:18.400 find another couple of people who can 0:02:15.920,0:02:20.080 kind of flesh out the other side of the 0:02:18.400,0:02:23.920 the conversation 0:02:20.080,0:02:26.239 so lindsay hello i'm sorry i've already 0:02:23.920,0:02:27.680 already made fun of you in the first in 0:02:26.239,0:02:29.200 the intro which is 0:02:27.680,0:02:30.640 which is mean so i'm sorry but i 0:02:29.200,0:02:33.360 wouldn't usually do that to a guests i 0:02:30.640,0:02:35.040 know i'm sorry i apologize already 0:02:33.360,0:02:36.239 it's what happens when it's familiar you 0:02:35.040,0:02:37.920 can get you can get away with that have 0:02:36.239,0:02:38.720 you noticed i haven't said anything mean 0:02:37.920,0:02:40.879 because 0:02:38.720,0:02:43.440 that's not something that's going to end 0:02:40.879,0:02:43.440 well for me 0:02:43.680,0:02:48.160 no what have you got to say this mean i 0:02:46.319,0:02:51.280 could say things about you but i would 0:02:48.160,0:02:53.440 i won't do that i've got a bad 0:02:51.280,0:02:54.400 bad good cup going on here then yes you 0:02:53.440,0:02:57.440 do you do 0:02:...
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    57 min
  • Letrozole Conception - Up to Birth
    Feb 1 2021
    Therese has difficulty conceiving and turned to IVF to help. Her heart-wrenching pregnancy journey includes her taking a triple dose of letrozole without anyone knowing, her suffering from pre-eclampsia and her baby being born with Edwards' Syndrome (Trisomy 18).   Transcript:----more---- 0:00:00.240,0:00:05.759 this was something i did without the 0:00:02.560,0:00:08.720 doctors knowing so i kept it a secret 0:00:05.759,0:00:10.719 even for my own husband i was telling 0:00:08.720,0:00:14.639 lies to my family 0:00:10.719,0:00:17.920 to my husband and i started to lie 0:00:14.639,0:00:17.920 to my midwife 0:00:24.480,0:00:29.199 hello welcome to the show this is life 0:00:27.119,0:00:30.160 is it just me the podcast and youtube 0:00:29.199,0:00:31.599 series as it now 0:00:30.160,0:00:33.600 transpires i'm going to put that into my 0:00:31.599,0:00:34.079 camera i've decided we're here to talk 0:00:33.600,0:00:36.559 about 0:00:34.079,0:00:37.360 the big issues the big topics the big 0:00:36.559,0:00:39.520 things that 0:00:37.360,0:00:42.079 most of us all of us are affected by and 0:00:39.520,0:00:43.760 go through and life this first season 0:00:42.079,0:00:46.320 is all about the decision as to whether 0:00:43.760,0:00:49.039 to have kids ryan i have spoken to 0:00:46.320,0:00:50.000 a huge amount of very guests so many 0:00:49.039,0:00:51.920 interesting stories 0:00:50.000,0:00:53.280 and we've got another one for you today 0:00:51.920,0:00:56.719 we're joined by teres 0:00:53.280,0:00:59.520 hi teres hello how are you 0:00:56.719,0:00:59.840 i am fine thanks and how are you really 0:00:59.520,0:01:02.960 good 0:00:59.840,0:01:04.080 really good and ryan how are you i'm 0:01:02.960,0:01:06.400 very good thanks paul 0:01:04.080,0:01:07.920 yourself what's going on with you today 0:01:06.400,0:01:10.240 good i'm just i'm really excited 0:01:07.920,0:01:11.200 to be here just to talk about what we're 0:01:10.240,0:01:13.920 going to talk about it's 0:01:11.200,0:01:15.520 such a it's an amazing insight that 0:01:13.920,0:01:16.320 people we've never met before are giving 0:01:15.520,0:01:20.320 us into the life 0:01:16.320,0:01:23.439 i'm so grateful yeah i feel grateful too 0:01:20.320,0:01:25.840 yeah thank you for that yeah and 0:01:23.439,0:01:26.560 i am really excited to be joining you 0:01:25.840,0:01:29.920 and i am 0:01:26.560,0:01:32.159 also grateful to telling my story to 0:01:29.920,0:01:33.759 let people know how it can be that's 0:01:32.159,0:01:36.079 exactly what we want we try we're trying 0:01:33.759,0:01:38.479 to provide a forum for people who 0:01:36.079,0:01:39.360 who want to talk about their their 0:01:38.479,0:01:42.399 perspective 0:01:39.360,0:01:43.840 on life and to to explain it's not just 0:01:42.399,0:01:47.119 us it's not just me 0:01:43.840,0:01:48.079 so yeah this is it this is it set the 0:01:47.119,0:01:50.479 scene then tell us 0:01:48.079,0:01:51.119 about who you are where do you come from 0:01:50.479,0:01:54.799 yeah 0:01:51.119,0:01:56.960 uh like you say my name is tirias and i 0:01:54.799,0:02:00.719 live in sweden 0:01:56.960,0:02:05.119 i am 33 years old today 0:02:00.719,0:02:09.119 i met my husband in 2007 0:02:05.119,0:02:11.680 and i just turned 20 after we met 0:02:09.119,0:02:13.200 so we have been together for 13 years 0:02:11.680,0:02:17.599 and we have been married for 0:02:13.200,0:02:20.720 six years this year and 0:02:17.599,0:02:24.080 really early on i told him that 0:02:20.720,0:02:27.360 my dream was to have children one day 0:02:24.080,0:02:28.720 and he was fine with that so we jumped 0:02:27.360,0:02:33.760 into the relationship 0:02:28.720,0:02:37.599 really fast and here we are now 0:02:33.760,0:02:40.560 many years later still trying for a kid 0:02:37.599,0:02:41.360 and his name is joachim so you know that 0:02:40.560,0:02:43.519 yes 0:02:41.360,0:02:44.720 um it's interesting you spoke about 0:02:43.519,0:02:45.519 getting into a relationship quite 0:02:44.720,0:02:47.519 quickly i 0:02:45.519,0:02:49.680 did the exact same thing with my partner 0:02:47.519,0:02:50.000 lauren we were very very quick to get 0:02:49.680,0:02:51.440 together 0:02:50.000,0:02:53.760 ryan what about you and your partner i'm 0:02:51.440,0:02:55.680 not sure your wife a similar story yeah 0:02:53.760,0:02:58.239 we met doing musical theater 0:02:55.680,0:03:00.640 which was different in itself um and we 0:02:58.239,0:03:03.120 were opposite parts in the same play 0:03:00.640,0:03:03.920 um carousel was a musical in case you 0:03:03.120,0:03:06.640 care 0:03:03.920,0:03:07.360 um but we were we were opposite parts in 0:03:06.640,0:03:10.000 carousel 0:03:07.360,0:03:11.360 so what happened was uh we were meant to 0:03:10.000,0:03:13.519 be love interest in the show 0:03:11.360,0:03:15.280 and became love interest in real life no 0:03:13.519,0:03:17.120 way is that 0:03:15.280,0:03:19.120 fascinating well we've all got some sort 0:03:17.120,0:03:22.720 ...
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 47 min
  • Letrozole Conception - Birth & Death
    Feb 9 2021
    Part 2 - Therese has difficulty conceiving and turned to IVF to help. Her heart-wrenching pregnancy journey includes her taking a triple dose of letrozole without anyone knowing, her suffering from pre-eclampsia and her baby being born with Edwards' Syndrome (Trisomy 18). She talks about birth, death and her journey of recovery. Transcript:----more---- 0:00:00.160,0:00:05.520 the doctor that was with 0:00:03.120,0:00:06.160 us when i delivered mira she told me 0:00:05.520,0:00:09.599 that 0:00:06.160,0:00:14.719 i am now going to be unprofessional and 0:00:09.599,0:00:14.719 what she told me there it helped me to 0:00:14.920,0:00:17.300 survive 0:00:16.200,0:00:22.400 [Applause] 0:00:17.300,0:00:25.119 [Music] 0:00:22.400,0:00:25.760 welcome back then this is part two where 0:00:25.119,0:00:27.760 we are 0:00:25.760,0:00:30.240 speaking to teresa so a guest from 0:00:27.760,0:00:31.119 sweden life is it just me it's a podcast 0:00:30.240,0:00:34.000 where we talk about 0:00:31.119,0:00:34.880 the big talking points in life do not 0:00:34.000,0:00:37.520 whatever you do 0:00:34.880,0:00:39.520 listen to this episode if you have not 0:00:37.520,0:00:40.160 yet checked out part one because there 0:00:39.520,0:00:42.239 is 0:00:40.160,0:00:44.000 a whole backstory which you've got to 0:00:42.239,0:00:46.719 hear first one is paul i'm joined by 0:00:44.000,0:00:47.520 ryan as always hello ryan hi paul how 0:00:46.719,0:00:49.120 are we doing today 0:00:47.520,0:00:51.199 really really good and great to have you 0:00:49.120,0:00:54.239 here and today is hello 0:00:51.199,0:00:57.120 hello welcome back today yes 0:00:54.239,0:00:58.239 you are telling us about your incredibly 0:00:57.120,0:01:01.440 detailed and 0:00:58.239,0:01:04.479 poignant and emotional story 0:01:01.440,0:01:06.080 all about your journey of 0:01:04.479,0:01:07.520 trying to conceive i guess and your 0:01:06.080,0:01:10.400 journey between ibm 0:01:07.520,0:01:13.040 took us on a rollercoaster last time wow 0:01:10.400,0:01:13.040 and we're back for 0:01:14.159,0:01:19.360 um i i had all the 0:01:17.200,0:01:23.119 the emotions all of them every single 0:01:19.360,0:01:23.119 one ticked them off like a bingo card 0:01:23.840,0:01:28.240 emotional bingo we have to we're going 0:01:26.880,0:01:29.439 to have to release that now it's a board 0:01:28.240,0:01:33.040 game 0:01:29.439,0:01:34.880 is it just me emotional that is that's a 0:01:33.040,0:01:36.479 really good who can we team up with 0:01:34.880,0:01:38.880 hasbro or someone like that 0:01:36.479,0:01:40.079 hasbro has to say that mattel maybe one 0:01:38.880,0:01:42.159 of the big ones to be honest i don't 0:01:40.079,0:01:45.439 really care anybody will do 0:01:42.159,0:01:47.280 take my rights take my money okay 0:01:45.439,0:01:48.640 let's go back to business today you were 0:01:47.280,0:01:51.040 telling us all about 0:01:48.640,0:01:52.720 your time in hospital catches up and 0:01:51.040,0:01:54.399 continue from where you got to please as 0:01:52.720,0:01:58.399 best you can 0:01:54.399,0:02:01.920 yeah well when we ended the last time 0:01:58.399,0:02:06.159 i have just told you about 0:02:01.920,0:02:09.039 having giving birth to my daughter and 0:02:06.159,0:02:11.280 well my husband joaquim just told me it 0:02:09.039,0:02:15.280 was a girl because we didn't know until 0:02:11.280,0:02:18.239 the birth so now we were asked 0:02:15.280,0:02:19.520 from my midwife emma uh if we had a name 0:02:18.239,0:02:22.879 for her 0:02:19.520,0:02:24.720 and yeah 0:02:22.879,0:02:26.239 i was thinking about the name i have 0:02:24.720,0:02:29.520 been carrying for 0:02:26.239,0:02:30.160 many years and did i want to give that 0:02:29.520,0:02:32.480 name to 0:02:30.160,0:02:34.560 this beautiful girl or should i keep it 0:02:32.480,0:02:37.120 and save it for 0:02:34.560,0:02:38.400 for hopefully having another guy another 0:02:37.120,0:02:41.760 girl 0:02:38.400,0:02:44.640 and then i was no during the pre 0:02:41.760,0:02:46.000 pregnancy i have been thinking about 0:02:44.640,0:02:49.200 this baby as 0:02:46.000,0:02:49.599 mira so i turned to my husband and i 0:02:49.200,0:02:52.959 asked 0:02:49.599,0:02:56.400 is it mira and he looked at me and said 0:02:52.959,0:02:58.879 yes it is mira so 0:02:56.400,0:02:59.440 that's when i turned back to emma and 0:02:58.879,0:03:03.120 said 0:02:59.440,0:03:06.319 this is mira and from there 0:03:03.120,0:03:09.680 she got her name and 0:03:06.319,0:03:12.480 after this we were offered 0:03:09.680,0:03:13.440 to have a photograph come to take 0:03:12.480,0:03:18.159 photographs 0:03:13.440,0:03:21.200 of us and they did that for free 0:03:18.159,0:03:24.879 because of everything and then they 0:03:21.200,0:03:26.000 asked us if we would like to have a 0:03:24.879,0:03:31.040 priest coming 0:03:26.000,0:03:34.319 to have a baptized 0:03:31.040,0:03:37.840 um and we said thank you to both 0:03:34.319,0:03:38.400 uh of those um so the ...
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 30 min