• Limiting Limiting Beliefs, In Your Mind & In Your Body: Part I

  • Jul 21 2023
  • Durée: 19 min
  • Podcast

Limiting Limiting Beliefs, In Your Mind & In Your Body: Part I

  • Résumé

  • Since the dawn of time, man has exercised some form of positive or negative self-talk. Some call it prayer, affirmation or resolution, but despite the title of our inner most dialogue we can all attest to one thing, and that is, our words affect the way we feel. Isn't it strange how we can sometimes extend greater consideration, care and kindness to those outside of us, than we do our own mind, body, and soul? What is that about? I've began to question "imposter syndrome", a term I find funny now (because all this time we been pretending to be seperate from each other, from God, from our actions) LOL) How Lord?), in all of its many facets, and I've discovered that my mental loops are habits that have, systematically, showed up in my body, not to mention my external environment. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 7 years ago, and like many women, it had a great deal to do with the level of of my arguably high stress, due in art by my environment, genetics, and so on, But MAINLY, and MOST importantly because of the tapes that I play in my mind, about: "who" "I" "am", "where I belong", "what my problems are", "what my limitations are" and so on. And like any good background singer, my body has been there to harmonize with this soundtrack- two-stepping every word like a Temptation. Baby...! I been faithful...! So, If you are blessed to with the permission to see yourself, and I DO mean r e a l l y... see yourself, here is an assortment of tools that are helping me confront my irrational thoughts (fears) and self-limiting beliefs: No. 1. YOU define who YOU are! Don't let "people's" opinions, or even your own story from YESTERDAY, put a cap, or throw shade on your abundance, NO MATTER how small. You are not even the same person, as the person you're intimidated, offended, or judged by - or being yourself, that hasn't encountered, developed, and created the synaptic networks that you have. And as they say is neuroscience, "Wires that fire together, WIRE TOGETHER...!" You can't do nothing with A MADE UP MIND! A mind that is made by thought, in + fusion, makeup, and operation?!? Come on MAN! No. 2. Bring EVERY thought into captivity. If it is a negative thought, or better yet a positive one, pick it apart like the last piece of chicken, at a potluck, or the crab at the bottom of your gumbo bowl. CLEAN. Find out, and don't punk out, or try and be cute with it! Who you frontin' for? It's just you! Questions that come up are: Where did I get this from? How is this impacting my feelings, breathe, sELf esteem (EL = meaning Elohim, or God) income, self-sufficiency, community? what have you... Acknowledge it honestly, without emotion. Straight Eckhart Tolle ENERGY, and identify it on the spot. Right, Wrong. Period! No. 3. I put in place thoughts from my visualization, that support me, allowing me to expand into oneness with God, not isolate and dim my light and HIS purpose on my life. I practice this without ceasing, like breathing. To see more on "Limiting Limiting Beliefs" and what I'm learning from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Eckhart Tolle, Geneveive Behrend, Queen Afua, 19 Keys, Dr. Bobby Price, and the Holy Spirit, and today's podcast, subscribe to my YouTube Channel: TLM NOW Network, Wellness TV and RADI😌 at ⁠ / @tlmnowpresents ⁠ on YouTube and Spotify, TLM NOW RADI😌 Podcast, with Mental Health Curator Travishoniquia L. Moran. Turn on IG notifications @travishoniquia for Morning Meditation & Lives and @tlmnowpresents for TLM NOW Wellness Broadcasts. Best of Health & Jus Sip Your Tea Travishoniquia L. Moran, Mental Health Curator linktr.ee/tlmnowpresents

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