
  • The Broad and Narrow Roads | Matthew 7:13-23
    Jan 27 2025

    Welcome to Linworth Road Church! We are glad you've found us online and pray that this message is meaningful to you.

    Linworth exists to help the spiritually lost and wounded join a community of people becoming fully alive, fully mature, and fully on-mission through the healing power of Jesus Christ and His Word.

    Here in Matthew 7, Jesus talks about the choices we make. There are two kinds of roads, two kinds of trees, and two kinds of disciples. One way leads to destruction and the other leads to life. Will we choose wisely?







    Join us in person at 10 am on Sundays

    5400 Linworth Road

    Columbus, OH 43235

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    35 min
  • Generous Judgments | Matthew 7:1-12
    Jan 19 2025

    Welcome to Linworth Road Church! We are glad you've found us online and pray that this message is meaningful to you.

    Linworth exists to help the spiritually lost and wounded join a community of people becoming fully alive, fully mature, and fully on-mission through the healing power of Jesus Christ and His Word.

    This week in Matthew, Jesus urges us to not store up treasure in heaven nor to be anxious about material things. Some draw the conclusion that Jesus is only advocating for a simple or minimalist lifestyle. Yet as Pastor Nick pointed out in the last message, it is more than that. A healthy relationship with our money includes being generous. What's true in money is also true in relationships. Jesus continues that theme of generosity by next urging us to be generous in our "judgments" of others.







    Join us in person at 10 am on Sundays

    5400 Linworth Road

    Columbus, OH 43235

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    53 min
  • Jesus on Worry and Anxiety
    Jan 12 2025
    If the WWII generation was known as the "Greatest Generation" that ever lived, unfortunately it's looking like we might become known as the "Most Anxious Generation" that ever lived. While the information and digital age have brought along many blessings and benefits, they have also increased and exasperated our anxiety. Thankfully though, anxiety is a human problem and therefore it is not new, and because of that it is something that both Jesus and the scriptures addresses on a frequent basis. In fact, the most famous teaching on anxiety comes from Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount. Jesus not only tells us to stop being anxious, but he tells us why we should stop and how we can stop.
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    50 min
  • Jesus on Money and Possessions
    Jan 5 2025
    In Matthew Chapter 6, after having talked about our prayer life, Jesus switches to talking about our pocketbooks. Most of us would prefer that Jesus keeps his hands off of our money, but he loves us too much to do that. In fact, money and possessions are some of his favorite teaching subjects. In this section, Jesus issue us a command as it relates to money. Thankfully, unlike some parents, he actually gives us the reason for the command. We will see it is ultimately because he loves us and desires our joy.
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    53 min
  • Motivation Matters
    Dec 15 2024
    In Matthew Chapter 6 Jesus changes directions slightly in his Sermon on the Mount. He goes from warning his followers about the dangers of evil works to warning them about the potential dangers in good works. In Chapter 5, Jesus is concerned that his followers are misunderstanding or misapplying particular aspects of the Old Testament law. At the beginning of Chapter 6, he is concerned that they are doing the right things but for the wrong reasons. According to Jesus, in the Kingdom of God it's not just what we do, but it's also why we do it that matters.
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    54 min
  • Vengeance, Victory, and Turning the Other Cheek
    Dec 8 2024
    “Turn the other cheek.” It’s one of the most common phrases people quote from the Bible. If properly understood, it’s one of the most powerful things Jesus taught! Unfortunately, it’s often misunderstood or neglected, and when that happens, we do great damage to ourselves and our relationships.
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    51 min
  • Jesus on Anger and Lust
    Nov 24 2024
    After telling the people that he came not to abolish the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them (vs 17), Jesus now moves on in his Sermon on the Mount to lay out six different examples that prove his point. In verses 21-30 of chapter 5, he starts out by looking at two of the Ten Commandments: murder and adultery. Instead of abolishing them, Jesus reveals their fuller meaning. By doing so, he deepens the ethical demands that are required of those who want to be a part of his kingdom. There is no doubt that anyone who takes these words from Jesus seriously, will in turn be pushed back into the Beatitudes, specifically "Blessed are the poor in spirit..." The ethical demands of the kingdom make us all poor in spirit, and according to Jesus, that's not a bad thing.
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    54 min
  • Matthew 5:17-20
    Nov 17 2024
    A brief summary of this episode
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    38 min