Our latest episode breaks new ground as the first in-person podcast during the ASES Sandbox 4.0. Nathan Battle, Kelsey Vrooman, Tom Thorpe, Mark Carleton and Kyle Edgemon join Mike and Jason to explore everything from community to teacher roles to data informed decisions.
Forsyth Country Day https://www.fcds.org/
REDI LAB https://www.coloradoacademy.org/academics/redi-lab
Mission & Data https://www.missionanddata.com/
Presbyterian School https://www.pshouston.org/
Johari window https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johari_window#:~:text=The%20Johari%20window%20is%20a,settings%20as%20a%20heuristic%20exercise
Colum McCann - Narrative 4 https://narrative4.com/colum-mccann/
Susan Cain - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking https://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Power-Introverts-World-Talking/dp/0307352153
Casper her Kuile - The Power of Ritual: Turning Everyday Activities into Soulful Practices https://www.amazon.com/Power-Ritual-Everyday-Activities-Practices/dp/0062881817
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text https://www.harrypottersacredtext.com/
Charles Vogel - The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging https://www.amazon.com/Art-Community-Seven-Principles-Belonging/dp/1626568413
Ken Bain - Super Courses: The Future of Teaching and Learning (Skills for Scholars) https://www.amazon.com/Super-Courses-Teaching-Learning-Scholars-ebook/dp/B08L9R2XMZ