
  • Stewarding the Supernatural w/ Tommy & Miriam Evans
    May 6 2024

    Revivalists Tommy and Miriam Evans join Liz Wright to share their powerful God stories and their journey of encountering Holy Spirit and learning to depend on Him. Be encouraged that you can invite Holy Spirit into the busyness and chaos of your day and He will meet you there. He is your best friend and wants to do life with you! Tommy explains how they learnt to shift atmospheres and steward what God gave them to see it grow. Miriam is the author of ‘Glory Miracles: Creating Atmospheres for the Power of God to Flow’, and she shares how to challenge dead atmospheres to bring life. Be inspired today to go deeper still in your relationship with God and partner with Him to see transformation in every context of your life.

    Related Materials:

    As a follower of Jesus, you have been anointed and commissioned to move in the same kind of miraculous power as Him! Whether you are a teacher, doctor, lawyer, government official, pastor, or a homemaker; as a child of God, it is your inheritance to live in supernatural healing and bring it to those who need it! In Glory Miracles, author and healing evangelist, Miriam Evans shows you how.

    By creating atmospheres that welcome God's glory, you can personally heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and operate in the miraculous. You don't need a minister, church, or special healing evangelist to do this! This is God's will for you.

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    34 min
  • Receiving the Promise of Healing w/ Denise Renner
    Feb 10 2025

    Denise Renner joins Liz to share her life-changing healing testimony and revelation of God’s desire to heal. God radically healed her after taking her on a journey of revelation about His Word and her heart. Hope was alive in her through this journey and she experienced the truth of Isaiah 53, that by His stripes we are healed. After 13 years of disease, she was completely delivered. No matter what doubt and fear comes into your mind, the Greater One lives inside you. She encourages us to stop focussing so much on the external, but on the powerful One who lives inside you. Meditate on His Word of truth and His promises. Your eyes will be flooded with light and your perspective will change! The place of power begins when we emphasize Who is forever inside of us, rather than temporary sickness and disease. Remember again today who He is, what He has done for us, and the power of His Word.

    Related Materials:

    There is nothing in the heart or the will of God that wants you to stay sick or in pain. He doesn't use sickness or infirmity as a means to teach you a single thing!

    Jesus Is Your Healer by Denise Renner has simple but profound truths that will equip you to believe for and walk in the divine health that is already yours in Christ!

    "I wrote this book so that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God can use the words contained in these pages to paint this eternal truth on the canvas of your mind and heart: Jesus is your Healer! When that happens and you claim that spiritual reality as your very own, you will receive all the magnificent power that is extended to you through the horrible beating and crucifixion Jesus endured for you."

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    31 min
  • Healed by Father's Love w/ Matt Beckenham
    Feb 3 2025

    Matt Beckenham is a speaker, podcast host, minister, and author of Eden’s Blueprint and joins Liz today. Recovered from ministry burnout and a collapsing marriage, Matt speaks about the deep healing journey the Lord took Him on and the revelation of the Father’s love. He is an advocate of hope, of the Father’s heart, and of healing. When we choose to come into the light instead of hiding behind fig leaves, we come into a safe place where healing is possible. Here, we experience the love of the Father, we let Him embrace us and take us on a journey of restoration that brings freedom and wholeness. Jesus wants a heart to heart connection, and He is the great un-doer of shame. Love draws us into the places of healing and casts out all fear. Step into the invitation today to get free from shame, come into the light, and let the Father love you into wholeness.

    Related Materials:

    Eden’s Blueprint by Matt Beckenham is an invitation to feast on the divine revelations the Father has entrusted Matt to share. You will find yourself drawn into sacred places that you were designed to walk in. As you journey through these pages, your heart will be moved by the language of the Kingdom, a language that began in the Garden, a place that will bring healing to your heart and draw you back to Eden, back to home.

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    38 min
  • From Striving to Secure w/ Liz Wright
    Jan 27 2025

    Liz Wright shares in today’s episode about experiencing afresh how loved we are by God and why this is so important.Every revelation He gives us is designed for us to know Him in that way. Many of us don’t feel how much God loves us, and how much we truly love Him. This can cause us to perform and strive, but He is calling us into security of heart today! We are His offspring and He is the force of our life. Come out of the noise of the soul and turn your attention back into your union with Jesus within.

    Join the International Mentoring Community IMC, to facilitate a safe environment where like-minded people at any stage of their walk can enter into a deeper experience of Jesus. Liz Wright will mentor you each week through revelatory teaching, powerful testimonies and the grace to step into life-changing encounters with Jesus.


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    30 min
  • Creativity in the Presence w/ Janine John
    Jan 20 2025

    Songwriter Janine John shares about her new album Dazzling and how her creative process is a reflection of her relationship with Jesus. Each song is from an encounter, and Janine shares how God has been speaking to her about the light and His delight. She shares how the revelation that she is seated in Heavenly places with Him really shifted her into the awareness of His delight. Focusing on the sweetness of His Presence recalibrates everything within us. Everything starts to look different when you turn into Him, you gain a higher perspective above the noise of the world.

    Related Materials:

    Dazzling is an album of nine tracks exploring our mystical union with the Divine and the dance of the Trinity within the glorious Kingdom of Light. It celebrates the radiant beauty and majesty of Yeshua, inviting listeners to engage deeply with these truths.

    • Album Link (MP3): DAZZLING / MP3 LINK
    • Spotify/Apple Music: DAZZLING. - SPOTIFY/ APPLE MUSIC


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    37 min
  • A Lifestyle of Encounters w/ Paul Manwaring
    Jan 13 2025

    Author and speaker, Paul Manwaring joins Liz to discuss how the Bible is a library of encounters with the Living God. There is no Christianity without encounters! Salvation itself is an encounter with God. All the famous characters in the Bible were ordinary men and women who had an encounter with God that transformed them. He highlights how these encounters impact the way we read the Bible. Saul’s Damascus road encounter is so significant in how we read Paul’s epistles. He lived it before he wrote it. There are so many ways the Lord encounters us, and Paul shares some of the many ways God speaks to His people. We are created to encounter God and have our lives transformed by Him.

    Related Materials:

    Just One Encounter Will Redefine and Redirect Your Life

    Do you find yourself longing for a word or touch from God? In the age of information and man-made wonders, we’ve replaced a vibrant relationship with God with a stale religion about God. Divine Encounters points the way back to experiencing God, showing how true encounter is at the heart of the Christian faith―and how you can live a lifestyle marked, and supernaturally shaped, by God’s presence.

    Leave behind the stagnant religion of this age and run with reckless abandon back to the One who transforms you with His presence and then transforms the world through you. Pick up your copy today!

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    33 min
  • Truly Powerful Intercession w/ Denise Wakefield
    Jan 6 2025

    Denise Wakefield is a pastor and powerful prophetic intercessor and joins Liz today for a life changing conversation. We don’t have to do anything without Him, and we get to do everything with Him. Denise describes intercession as being in the Father’s boardroom and participating in His business. It is the pursuit of His heart, His desires, His will. It is executing the dream of God’s heart. We need to know what God is thinking, there is no point in praying anything else! Let’s tune into the heart of God and come into agreement with Him to see His Kingdom come on the earth.

    Related Materials Visit jointheimc.com for our current Member Course, Intercession: How to Pray to Change the World.

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    33 min
  • Revealing His Divinity w/ Liz Wright
    Dec 30 2024

    Liz Wright shares from the heart of Jesus about the time we are in! We are to live completely consumed with love for the King. Jesus will protect His Bride, provide for her and grace her to live consistently by faith. We are destined to experience abundant life! He is setting us free from compromise, from trying to be righteous in our own strength. He is bringing a fresh awareness of how safe we are in Him. If you are caught up in sin, He isn’t condemning you, He is inviting you into repentance through His kindness today. Receive all that He has for you as you listen today.

    Related Materials

    Join the International Mentoring Community IMC, to facilitate a safe environment where like-minded people at any stage of their walk can enter into a deeper experience of Jesus. Liz Wright will mentor you each week through revelatory teaching, powerful testimonies and the grace to step into life-changing encounters with Jesus.


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    29 min