
  • End of a era - last of the season
    Oct 20 2021

    Bringing together some of the lessons and learnings from the value of getting started (and keeping going) on a project.

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    1 min
  • Find the beat for momentum.
    Oct 19 2021

    We are good at keeping a rhythm or habits as to how we approach our day. However what is the thread or reason for that. Here I share what might be driving that and how you can consider consciously how best to use the hours you have.

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    1 min
  • Energy booster. Driving your energy one step at a time.
    Oct 18 2021

    Energy supports willpower and creating a great working rhythm. Here I talk about an example as to how you can boost yours.

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    1 min
  • If you were to impress yourself what would you do?
    Oct 15 2021

    We are guided by so many things. If you were to just be guided by what impressed you what would you do? Here I encourage you to think what that might be and how to get started.

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    1 min
  • Tale of two lanes
    Oct 14 2021

    Which lane are you living / working in? I share two lanes and consider how to decide what is the best is for you.

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    1 min
  • Two stories of priorities.
    Oct 12 2021

    There are many priorities. Some we choose to let us run us and others we can take hold of. Which priority story are you planning to live today?

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  • Creating the warmth for each day
    Oct 11 2021

    Do you have the same feeling of warmth from the sun on your back as you do when you begin your day? Here I share how the sun acts as a metaphor of warmth and comfort when outside and how this same feeling could still be there each day.

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    1 min
  • Space for support
    Oct 8 2021

    We like to give people the freedom to find their own way and know we are there to support when needed. However some people dont know where to start, break things down and or know what is best for them. I touch on some options.

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    1 min