
  • The Dreamlands Express (E11)
    Jul 26 2023

    After suddenly waking in the Dreamlands, in the city of Ulthar, the investigators board yet another train. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Edgar Page. Researcher. Played by Steven. https://twitter.com/StevenTheDM
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 6 min
  • That Old Man Smell (E10)
    Jul 12 2023

    With the first piece of the simulacrum safely in hand, the investigators board the Orient Express, bound for Milan. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Edgar Page. Researcher. Played by Steven. https://twitter.com/StevenTheDM
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 2 min
  • The Midnight Gargoyle (E09)
    May 17 2023

    Beneath Chez Lorien, the investigators search for Fenalik's hidden cellar and statuary collection. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 23 min
  • Chest Cold (E08)
    May 3 2023

    The investigators head to Poissy, looking for the remnants of Comte Fenalik's manor. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 7 min
  • Sleight of Handcuffs (E07)
    Apr 19 2023

    The investigators try to avoid arrest at a Saint-Ouen flea market. Pema uncovers some promising leads. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 52 min
  • Flea Market Economy (E06)
    Apr 5 2023

    The investigators arrive in Paris and begin searching for information on the Sedefkar Simulacrum. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 2 min
  • Skin in the Game (E05)
    Mar 22 2023

    The investigators pay a visit to the Chelsea Arms Hotel, and research in the British Museum and Library takes a dark turn. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 3 min
  • Cheapside of the Tracks (E04)
    Mar 8 2023

    Back in London, the investigators head to a clandestine meeting with their dear friend, Dr. Julius Smith. This is an actual-play of HORROR ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS for CALL OF CTHULHU, a roleplaying game by CHAOSIUM INC. Find us online at https://www.thelollygaggers.com/ #callofcthulhu #ActualPlay #ttrpg

    - Cast -
    Joseph Tidwell. Stuntman. Played by Jeremy.
    Reginald Abernathy. Occultist. Played by Matt.
    Cilian Bangura. Sex Worker. Played by Adam. https://twitter.com/RadiatorRPG
    Grigori Kozel. Big Game Hunter. Played by Chuck. https://twitter.com/KoboldDefenders
    Pema Namdak. Scientist. Played by Melissa. https://twitter.com/melazera
    Keeper. Played by Jeff. https://twitter.com/lollygaggerco

    - Links -
    The Lollygaggers Website - https://www.thelollygaggers.com/
    Ko-Fi - https://ko-fi.com/adventuresinlollygagging
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.youtube.com/defendersofkobold
    Grim & Perilous - https://grimandperilous.com/
    Aaron Reese Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AaronReese
    Call of Cthulhu - https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/

    - Twitch Channels -
    The Lollygaggers - https://www.twitch.tv/thelollygaggers
    Defenders of Kobold - https://www.twitch.tv/defendersofkobold
    Garblag Games - https://www.twitch.tv/garblaggames

    - Art & Music Credits -
    Musical theme "Suppressed Frenzy" by Bryan Chi - https://www.shockwave-sound.com/stock-music-track/24076/suppressed-frenzy
    Background Ambience from Tabletop Audio - https://tabletopaudio.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    2 h et 12 min