
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #15 - The Non Resistance Zone: Your Place of Complete Freedom
    Dec 28 2023

    There is a place within where we can choose to live. It's called Non Resistance. It's the place of letting go of everything that is filled with resistance. It's one of the most important places within our souls.

    Why is this such an important place? Because it's where we originated from and it's our original design. When we learn how to live in non resistance, we soon realize just how powerful coherence is and how it begins to work for us. Life begins to become effortless in so many ways.

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    38 min
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #14 - Taking the lid off of your job
    Dec 22 2023

    Millions of well meaning people go to work each day. Many of whom work for a some kind of a corporation or small business. Out of those millions, a majority despises their job to some degree.

    We feel we have to work for someone because "everyone" else is doing it and just easier than starting our own business or venture. The problem with this kind of thinking is that we tie ourselves down and we cap our true potential.

    If I were to ask you what is the one thing you wish you could have at your core pertaining to work or a job, you would most likely say, "Freedom". Now the definition of freedom is different for everyone, but at our spirit level where we are genuinely authentic, we were born to be free living what we love, and getting paid well for it.

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    33 min
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #13 - False Self VS Real Self. It’s a matter of living a happy life.
    Dec 20 2023

    Society is filled with masks. We have all worn them. They are called the false self. It's the part of us that was formed through conditioning and trauma. The real self on the other hand is the deeper layered part of us that once accessed, is the most adventurous and fun thing that can ever happen to you.

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    32 min
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #12 - Allowing: Why force doesn’t get us what we really want
    Dec 19 2023

    There are two ways to get what we want in life, but one of them ends of causing everyone and everything around to uncover their authentic nature. Why is that important? Because authenticity is not revealed through force. It happens by allowing.

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    29 min
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #11 - Dropping in to your lasting power
    Dec 18 2023

    There is a power under the power that has been leading most of our lives. It is authenticity deployed. It has been said that we can either let someone employ us or we can deploy ourselves.

    This is very true when it comes to power that lasts. The power I am talking about is in every man, and is accessible no matter the mistakes or insecurities. It is the kind of power that really makes life fun.

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    21 min
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #10 - Are you a Worry Wart? Can you really be worry free?
    Dec 17 2023

    Worry is the bedrock of feeling unsafe and insecure, which is being "IN" a false security. Let's look at the definition of the name "Worry Wart". I think you'll find the origin interesting. This is my take on what it actually means.

    Can you really be "worry free?"

    Listen in to find out.

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    48 min
  • 18 Inches Down Ep. #9 - The Effortless Flow Frequency of Creativity that brings Money PT1
    Dec 17 2023

    There is a higher way to access an effortless flow in receiving money.

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    40 min
  • 18 Inches Down Series Ep. #8 - What to do when money is not showing up
    Dec 17 2023

    What do you do when you are believing for a certain amount of money to come and it doesn't show up?

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    47 min