From fur balls to "my precious" - enjoy this unexpected and hilarious story from Andy Serkis himself on creating Gollum's voice!
Being Your Kitty Correspondent, KJ couldn't believe what she was hearing and you won't either! From the inspiration drawn from his cat's furball coughing to the emotional depth behind the character's voice, Andy shares exclusive insights into the process of bringing Gollum to life on screen.
Discover the unique journey of how a simple moment with his cat led to the creation of one of cinema's most memorable characters.
As seen on the KJ TODAY Show and originally recorded at Andy's panel when he attended PopCon Indy 2024 in Indianapolis, the Midwest's best 3 days in pop culture!
Thanks for listening to The Cat Conversation with KJ, Your Kitty Correspondent! Each episode we help cat people like you understand your cats better so you can have a better relationship with your cat!
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