Story: Love's Battle: The Rise of Bombylias
Story by: Gail Nobles © 2024
Cover Art by: Gail Nobles
The wicked dragonfly had captured the bee man’s followers and turned them into his army. However, upon witnessing Bombylias renewal as a formidable warrior, some rebels chose to return to him, leading to a division within the ranks. Dragonfly would send his troops to battle against the bee man’s forces, all while he lounged comfortably on his throne. Numerous conflicts erupted between the two factions, resulting in casualties on both sides, yet both leaders continued to recruit fresh soldiers.
The bee man’s love remained by his side, eagerly waiting for moments to spend with him, and their feelings for each other deepened. However, Bombylias hesitated to touch Aneeyah due to the changes he had undergone since becoming the bee man—mysterious effects from insect bites coursed through his veins, making him unsure if he could safely be with her. Aneeyah believed in finding true love with just one man. When they eventually began their affair, it was evident to all; her hair texture began to change, and her overall appearance shifted slightly, yet she was still beautiful. Dragonfly soon discovered their secret and accused her of sinning with an abnormal man, tarnishing both their reputations. He then imprisoned the bee man’s woman, anticipating that the Bombylias would come to rescue her.