
  • Honor Your Father While You Can
    Jun 17 2024

    Today, Father’s Day 2024, we pray for fathers everywhere. They are charged by God to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and to love them unconditionally. The Bible speaks to both parents and children. Children are charged to always honor their parents, thereby receiving the reward of a long life. Parents are instructed to raise their children with compassion and love not provoking them to wrath. Happy Father’s Day to all living and Heavenly fathers. We give thanks and homage to you on your special day.

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    46 min
    Jun 10 2024

    Matthew 5:16 states, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” The purpose of this show is to reinforce the understanding that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is an exact replica of God’s glorious light, as the Son and Father are one. We are to reflect their light in our daily lives, just as the most precious stone, a diamond, reflects the light around it, and as we shine brightly in quietude others will see our Heavenly glow and be drawn nearer to the Savior. The illumination of God’s light is much brighter than the greatest star in the universe, the sun. It is where we must be in times of trouble, whereas darkness will lead us away from God’s magnificent love. We will prevail with God on our side.

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    48 min
    Jun 3 2024

    My biblical references for this show are from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon, son of King David is considered the richest and wisest man of the earth. He is credited for writing this book, which is a journal or diary of Ecclesiastes the preacher. It tells about his life as an older person looking back on the folly of his youth, seeing the life that he once lived and wishing that he could start anew. Early in the book he speaks of life being meaningless. Everything repeats itself and there is nothing new under the sun. However in chapters three through ten God is acknowledged as the giver of all gifts. The message is that life is very fragile and fleeting. There is no time to waste and it is imperative that we cherish the people that we love for the time that we have them. Quality of life is better than quantity. We cannot go back in time, but we can change our course in the now and future by putting God first and praising Him always and in all situations, whether good or bad. God is the source of everything that we have whether great or small and we must be thankful and live in His Will.

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    56 min
    May 27 2024

    We all have a divine purpose to fulfill in life, although we may not have acknowledged the fact that God can use us in a special way. This show is to encourage my listeners and motivate them to look into themselves, and to dig deep down inside their hearts to find what has been there all the time, their true calling. The first thing, however, is that we love ourselves because that is the greatest love of all. This is important because we will encounter stumbling blocks along the way. Also, we do not have to be perfect or to have lived without faults. God can use whomever He wants, whenever He wants, and how He wants. We are all works in progress in that regard. We must be cheerful and willing workers for Him to use us, and sometimes we need a makeover in order to serve. When we can earnestly say that we love ou

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    56 min
    May 20 2024

    This show is dedicated to graduates everywhere and of all ages. Quotes are shared from motivational speaker Zig Ziglar as encouragement and motivation to keep a positive mindset while enduring challenges, and continue following the destiny that God had planned for each of us. The door has been opened to a great life ahead. Preparing for a job or position in life can be tiresome. However, having a sense of direction will enable us to succeed while maintaining permanent independence and security. We must thank God always, because His grace and mercy brought us through.

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    53 min
    May 13 2024

    Mother’s Day is a celebration and recognition of mothers everywhere, especially those who have transitioned to Heaven. It is a time of showing love to the one who gave us life, and raised us in the fear and admonition of the Lord, so that our lives would be blessed and complete, and sometimes the person who filled in the gap when many birth mothers were not there for whatever reasons. We are thankful for all mothers and those who were like a mother to someone else’s child. Let us remember only the good things for they have kept us over the years and made us who we are. Love your mother while you can, as the day will come when she is no longer. Remember that material gifts are great but the things that will be most meaningful to mama are your love and affection. Tell her, “Mama I’ll always love you,” and watch the glow in her face. Happy Mother’s Day!

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    50 min
    May 6 2024

    The theme for the 2024 National Day of Prayer is “Lift up the Word, Light up the World.” We are to pray for leaders around the world and the constituents of countries that they cover and watch over. Proverbs 29:14 says, “If a king judges the poor with truth, his throne will be established forever. All leaders have moral obligations. Matthew 20:26 states, “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” Leaders are servants first. Psalms 133:1 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” Unity is a common goal both leaders and followers should strive for. Finally, Acts 20:28 states, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.” Leaders look after the best interest of their people. The only way to bring the world out of darkness is to be lights in our respective countries, states, and cities. The more light in the world, the less darkness will exist, and the less devastation, fear, and hatred there will be. There is enough work for everyone and we are all ministers for God according to the Bible. There is wonder working power in prayer. I am a believer and the question to my listeners is, “Are you?” Prayer is how we communicate with God, the source of our supply. May He bless those in foreign lands, and may He bless the United States of America.

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    46 min
    Apr 29 2024

    This show is motivational and reinforces the fact that we all have a life that must be guarded carefully, because it is full of swift transitions. Tomorrow is not promised to us and time does not wait on us. We must focus on what lies ahead and stay true to the course, while dealing with the hand that we have been dealt by life. The word, no, is not an option for having a good mindset and inside motivation to achieve. Networking with others who are successful in what we aspire to do is imperative. In so doing we will circumvent much of the bureaucratic red tape. The audience is encouraged to live life to the fullest while time is on their side. Their challenge question is: Can you only believe that you can become whatever you want by God’s grace? God for us is more than the whole world against us.

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    44 min