
    Nov 25 2024

    I highlight in this show about Thanksgiving the legendary Pastor Andrea (Andre) Edward Crouch for his talents and praise that he always offers up to God. Even when things were not going right in his life he was thankful to God for loving him and carrying him through those difficult times. It is a message to leaders and families that Thanksgiving is a time of recognizing the source of our blessings and for letting go of old grudges, angers, jealousies, and replacing them with forgiveness and love for one another. It is a special time for families to share at the table together the blessing of God’s bounty, and each one assembled there should share something that they are thankful for with the family. We must be thankful in good times and bad, realizing that things will improve when we are faithful to God and thankful for what He has already done for us.

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    44 min
    Nov 4 2024

    This show is dedicated to the upcoming election of the President of the United States of America. The main purpose is to encourage listeners to vote, because their vote will count. It is also to instil the importance of being impartial regarding gender and race, as that kind of thinking or rhetoric could cause us to miss out on a divine blessing. The issues facing our country and the world today will escalate unless we elect the right people in all government positions. The electoral college will decide who wins the race, but the people decide the electoral college.

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    40 min
    Oct 21 2024

    There danger in procrastination in our lives. Very often we put things off until later only to find that later never comes. Life has a way of altering circumstances, making it impossible to accomplish our aspirations and dreams. Therefore, we must live life to the fullest or miss out on what is most important to us. Sometimes people hold back on someone else’s blessings, forfeiting that person’s rights to accomplish their aspirations and dreams. There are other times when individuals procrastinate too long, causing their own losses that can never be replaced in their lifetime. Time moves swiftly. We must do likewise if we are to receive God’s blessings while we can enjoy them. This show is to encourage and motivate my listeners to DO IT NOW.

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    42 min
    Oct 14 2024

    Hurricanes Helene and Milton came up the Gulf and East Coast in a most ferocious way, one after the other, causing destruction and havoc along their paths. The natural disasters and storms have taught us that we cannot control Mother Nature, but our Sovereign God is in control of the universe and all that is in it. Therefore, we are dependent on Him to see us through these hardships of life that we must endure together. I pose several questions for your consideration. Do you believe that perpetual storms like hurricanes and tornadoes are warnings from God and that they will get increasingly worse should we not hear His message to repent? Are we being tested by God in our most vulnerable times? How far will He go to get our attention? Humanity has freedom of choice but has chosen to turn away from the only source of our salvation - God. We must return to Him, as the scripture states in Psalm 91:1 NKJV, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. It is time to turn back to God for Jesus is coming back and we know not the day or the hour. Will you be ready when Jesus comes?

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    54 min
    Sep 23 2024

    This show is all about blessings. I discuss with scriptural references and inspirational songs the reasons why God gives us blessings and what we must do to inherit the bounty of what is on hold for us. Are we thankful enough to Him for His divine providential care? Have we considered what it would be like not to have God in our life? We must consider the options of being in or out of His family. The only way to inherit all that our Heavenly Father has in store for us we must serve Him above all else. He has a blessing with each of our names on it that no one else can claim. Also, when we are blessed God wants us to open up our hearts and bless someone else. Why should we have so much and others so little? We are blessed to bless others and the more we give, the more we will receive. I am a living testimony of what God has done, is doing, and will do in my life, and if He has done it for me, He will do it for you. Trust Him and believe it to be true!

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    57 min
    Sep 16 2024

    This is my back to school show to encourage and motivate students young and old. School, in my opinion, should be a combination of learning and fun, and a place where students are free to express their God given talents without being labeled as underachievers or compared to overachievers. I have taught both and in my thirty-one years of being an administrator and teacher in an urban school district, and found that all children have gifts and can be successful in school if given the chance, regardless of their surrounding environment. Their only need is for someone to care and recognize any needs that they may have, providing them the necessary help to correct those deficiencies. Children are often classified or put in special education classes for government funding, of which parents may be unaware. My prayer is that mothers and fathers or guardians will consume the contents of this show, share it with their children, and pass it on to others via my podcasts. We loved and valued our teachers coming up, and they loved us enough to ensure that learned. That is what made us who we are today.

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    56 min
    Sep 2 2024

    We look to the author and finisher of our faith to supply our needs, whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual. God, through His Son Jesus Christ, promises to give us everything that we need, although not everything that we want. He desires that we have full faith and trust in Him to provide these things and we must go to Him in prayer requesting specifically what we need and then patiently await the answer. Once received we must act accordingly and give thanksgiving to God for our blessings. Our Heavenly Father is not stingy. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and he clothes the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. Do you believe that He will do even more for us? Psalm 23 reminds us that “the Lord is our shepherd and we shall not want.” God shows favor to us in our weakest moments. He is a healer, way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, and light in the darkness. How much better could He be to us? In return for his goodness we must demonstrate true dedication, faithfulness, and thanksgiving to the all wise God.

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    48 min
    Aug 12 2024

    The environment is in a critical state of disrepair as I see it. However, much of the damage that has been and is being done to planet Earth can be reversed if done in a timely fashion. Pollution of the air, land, and sea is worsening instead of getting better because of man’s inhumanity to man. Yes, we are our own worst enemy - humanity. While our interest is in comfort rather than protection of our natural resources including our children, we are in essence creating a much different world for future generations to live in than the one that we enjoyed growing up. This show is to motivate listeners everywhere to do whatever they can to control pollution, clean up their neighborhoods, and be kind to Mother Earth.

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    46 min