Lunch Break Nerd Brawl

Auteur(s): Lunch Break Nerd Brawl
  • Résumé

  • Two nerds, on their lunch break, debate nerd topics in an effort to convince their unbiased, non-nerd friend who is right and who is wrong.
    Copyright 2020 Lunch Break Nerd Brawl
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  • Episode 96: Deadpool v Green Lantern & more 2nd Chance Brawl
    Jun 19 2021
    Thanks for listening to another episode of Lunch Break Nerd Brawl the best podcast in the world where 2 nerds debate amazing nerdy topics and our slightly less nerdy friend judges us. This episode we tackle 2nd chances for actors playing superheroes. Ryan Reynolds: Deadpool Vs Green Lantern. Michael B Jordan: Human Torch Vs Killmonger Chris Evans: Human Torch Vs Cap America Let us know on Facebook if you think we were right or wrong. Spoiler Alert: We aren't wrong
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    32 min
  • Episode 95: Spider-Brawl Bracket Post Post Feb Frenzy
    Apr 30 2021
    Welcome Brawlers to another episode of Lunch Break Nerd Brawl. The only podcast where 2 nerds debate awesome nerdy topics and our slightly less nerdy friend judges us. This episode Matt wanted a bracket so we accommodated him but shoved it all in one giant sized episode. 16 Spider People go in only 1 comes out the victor. Will it be your favorite? Who's on your bracket? Were you right in the end? Thanks for listening and sharing with anyone and everyone with and without ears. We appreciate you all. Join our conversation on all the socials or email us if you have show ideas you want us to tackle. Lunchbreaknerdbrawl @ gmail
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    1 h
  • Episode 94: Shrek-it Ralph Breaks The Nerd Brawl
    Mar 19 2021
    Thank you for joining us on another episode of Lunch Break Nerd Brawl. The only podcast where 2 nerds debate awesome nerdy topics and our slightly less nerdy friend judges us. This time we face off Shrek Vs Wreck-it Ralph to finally end the age old debate on who would win in a fight. As always please join the conversation on our social medias and let us know which you think should take the win.
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    37 min

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