Luther for the Busy Man

Auteur(s): Martin Luther
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  • Luther for the Busy Man is a new project brought to you by the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary, in cooperation with Ambassador Publications, the publishing arm of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. Listen to daily meditations by Martin Luther himself, following the church calendar and read to you by Dave Ryerson.
    2020 - Luther For the Busy Man
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  • Week of Sexagesima - Saturday
    Mar 1 2025


    To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God. Luke 8:10

    What does He mean when He says: “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God”? What is a “secret” here? If one cannot know it, why does one preach it?

    “Secret” means a hidden, concealed matter which one does not know, and “the secrets of the kingdom of God” are the matters in God’s kingdom which are hidden. Christ, with all the grace He has manifested to us as Paul describes Him, is one of these “secrets.” He who knows Christ aright knows what God’s kingdom is and what it contains.

    This is called a “secret” because it is spiritual and concealed and remains so unless the Spirit reveals it. For there are many who see it and hear about it but who do not accept it.

    There are many today who preach Christ and hear how He was given for us, but this is often only a matter of the tongue, not of the heart. They do not believe it themselves and have no real experience of it, for as Paul declares, “This unspiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:14).

    So, Christ says here, “To you it has been given,” that is, the Holy Spirit has enabled you not to hear and to see, but to recognize and to believe with your hearts, and, therefore, it is no longer a “secret” for you.

    AE 76,337

    PRAYER: Thanks and praise be to you, O heavenly Father, for the revelation of the mystery of your grace in Christ Jesus our Lord which you have made known to us in the Gospel. Establish us in the grace that we may witness to it before our fellowmen, for Christ’s sake. Amen.

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    3 min
  • Week of Sexagesima - Friday
    Feb 28 2025

    LESSON: PSALM 31:15-24

    O send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me, let them bring me to thy holy hill and to thy dwelling! Psalm 43:3

    After hearing the Word, large numbers fall away from it and bring no fruit to perfection. We are told this for our learning so that we should not be led into error.

    It is certainly unpleasant to preach to those who treat the Word so disgracefully and especially set themselves against the Gospel. For this is preaching which is to become so general that it is to be presented to all creatures, as Christ declares, “Preach the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15), and as the psalmist puts it, “Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world” (Psalm 19:4).

    What if many do despise the Word? It must be that many are called but few are chosen. For the sake of those who are good seed and who bring forth fruit with patience, seed must also fall in vain on the path, on the rock, and among the thorns.

    Of one thing we can be sure, and that is that God’s Word never departs without producing fruit. It always finds some good ground, as the Gospel also says here, that some of the sower’s seed fell on good ground and not only on the path, among the thorns, and on the rock. For wherever the Gospel reaches, there are Christians. “My word shall not return to me empty” (Isaiah 55:11).

    AE 76,334

    PRAYER: Grant, O Lord, that the saving power of your Gospel may always be a real incentive for us to spread the teachings of the Gospel in word and deed, for Christ our Savior’s sake. Amen.

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    4 min
  • Week of Sexagesima - Thursday
    Feb 27 2025

    LESSON: MATTHEW 10:34-39

    As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart and bring forth fruit with patience. Luke 8:15

    The fourth group are those who grasp the Word and hold on to it with a good heart and bring forth fruit with patience, that is, those who hear the Word and steadfastly hold on to it so that they risk and give up everything for it.

    The devil does not succeed in taking the Word from them or mislead them in any way in their connection with the Word. The heat of persecution does not drive them from the Word. The thorns of pleasant living and the greed of this world prove no hindrance to them. They bring forth fruit that they may also teach the Word to others and enlarge the kingdom of God. They also do good to their neighbor in accordance with the Word. Hence, Christ says here that they “bring forth fruit with patience.”

    They certainly also suffer much for the sake of the Word: insults and shameful treatment from the factionaries and heretics; hatred, jealousy, injury to body and property from the persecutors, in addition to what the thorns and their own temptations of the flesh cause.

    The Word is well called the Word of the cross, for he who would keep it must bear and overcome cross and misfortune with patience.

    AE 76,333

    PRAYER: You have often reminded us, Lord Jesus, that as your disciples we will have to bear a cross. Pour your grace and strength upon us that this cross may never crush us but draw us ever closer to your cross and ultimate victory. Amen.

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    3 min

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