Welcome to The First Monday. In these episodes, Steve & Mark talk through what's going on for them that month in the categories of The Gear, The Hunt, and the Hunter, as well as what's going on with Exo Mtn Gear. If you want an unfiltered, behind-the-scenes look at what we are doing, researching, and learning, or just what we are excited about, this is it.
Links for this episode...
- Exo Email Notifications: https://exomtngear.com/newsletter
- Pre-Fit Barrel Questions (and/or general Podcast Qs): podcast@exomtngear.com
- The NW Hunt Expo: https://nwhuntexpo.com/
- Tenacious Tape (Clear Repair Tape): https://amzn.to/43eOUyu or https://amzn.to/41DbijE
- Aziak Equipment Ridgeline Tripod: https://sandsarchery.com/products/aziak-ridgeline-tripod
- Idaho Bear Identification: https://idfg.idaho.gov/hunt/bear-identification
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