In this episode, your fabulous hosts discuss the two genders, no wait The Two Towers (2002), no wait, the two types of women, Virgin and Whore. Accompany Maggie, Theo, and Bridget, as they figure out if liking milves is subversive, if being hungry is the same as being horny, and if Freud was right?? As always, Gay John and Sara Bareilles come up as they navigate virginity, the difference between Eve and Mary, and whether sex positivity can become a perpetuation of the same false dichotomy used to shame people for their sexualities.
Episode Transcript Available Here:
-Down Girl by Kate Manne
-Overcoming Objectification: A Carnal Ethics by A. J. Cahill
-Take and Eat: Eve, Mary, and Feminist Christianity by M. K. Diede
-Hail Mary? The Struggle for Ultimate Womanhood in Catholicism
-Maggie’s Feminist Philosophy Class
-Bridget’s work in Reproductive Rights
-Linn Haralson