Professor of pulmonology in the faculty of medicine Mansoura University
(هم البنات للممات)
المثل ده حقيقي جدا، كل ما بتحب حد أكتر بتخاف عليه أكتر وأكتر، رغم كده بناتي وعيلتي أجمل حاجة في حياتي، أنا كنت وحيدة عشان كده بقدر جدا عيلتي وكان نفسي يبقى عندي عيال كتير جدا، أجمل وأمتع وقت بقضيه هو الوقت اللي بنقضيه سوا في جو عائلي ودافي واحنا بنشوف فيلم وبناكل فشار، التربية والأمومة صعبة ومسؤولية كبيرة لأنك بتتعامل مع كل ابن بطريقة مختلفة لأنهم شخصيات وأشخاص مختلفين وكل واحد له مفتاحه، بس تستاهل لأن مفيش أجمل من العيلة واللمة والحب."
(To have daughters, is to worry until death)
The more you love someone, the more you fear for them. Despite that, my daughters and my family are the most beautiful things in my life. There was a time in my life where I was very lonely, which is why I appreciate my family so much and wished to have many children. The most beautiful and enjoyable time I spend is when we're together in a warm family atmosphere, watching a movie and eating popcorn. Parenting and motherhood are difficult and a huge responsibility because you deal with each child in a different way as they have different personalities and each has their own key. But it's worth it, it’s well worth it, as there's nothing more beautiful than family, togetherness, and love