The physical parts of a product and its manufacture are only part of the story, especially when it comes to sustainability. The other major component is operations. From ongoing machine improvements to complete process overhauls, the operations of a facility can have high impact to the overall sustainability of a product and to manufacturing. Even a 1% reduction in CO2 emissions across the manufacturing sector can prevent 90 million tonnes for CO2 per year. With a focus on operational improvements for sustainability, business can continue gaining profitability as they would through other efficiency improvements. Less energy is both lower costs and fewer Scope 2 emissions from the energy providers. To talk about the role of operational improvements and the quest for sustainable industrial manufacturing, we have the second half of the conversation with Eyrn Devola and Rahul Garg. Eryn is the Head of Sustainability at Siemens Digital Industries and Rahul is the VP of Industrial Machinery at Siemens Digital Industries Software. What you’ll learn:[00:47] Defining the goals of sustainable machine operation[05:03] Understanding sustainability as another metric to balance[10:56] Regulating industrial operations for sustainability[17:39] Training for a sustainable industrial future Learn more about sustainability on our website