
  • Filming in Washington DC for Weird World
    Feb 26 2025
    We’re out and about filming more Weird World Adventures on Amazon Prime! This episode brings us to Washington DC where we visit the Library of Congress, the International Spy Museum, the Barbie Pond, the Exorcist Stairs, Planet Word, and more! Tune in to get some behind the scenes of Weird World Adventures in Washington DC. My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial writer for various travel platforms to volunteering on scientific expeditions around the world. I’ve found that the character…
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    21 min
  • Let's Talk about Disney Adulting
    Feb 19 2025
    Let’s talk about Disney Adulting… There are a group of adults who truly thrive off of the joys of Disney. Today, we’re going to talk about my years as a Disney adult and why I was sucked into the mythos of the Mouse in my 20s. Disney adulting is a thing… and we’re going to talk about it in today’s podcast. Well, I’ll talk about it… and Michael will sass me about it. My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial…
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    54 min
  • Our Weird Adventures in Salem
    Feb 12 2025
    In this episode of the Weird World Adventures podcast, Malorie and Michael recount their adventures spending the weekend in Salem, Massachusetts. They braved the snow, befriended the witches (and wacky tour guides), and had a run in with some craziness. Hear about all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans from our filming Season 2 of Weird World Adventures in Salem. My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial writer for various travel platforms to volunteering on scientific expeditions around the world. I’ve found that…
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    45 min
  • Announcing Weird World Adventures Season 2 on Amazon Prime
    Feb 5 2025
    We are thrilled to announce that our unique adventures show, Weird World Adventures, is releasing its second season on Amazon Prime in the fall of 2025! This September, tune into watch Weird World Adventures Season 2 as we continue our search for bizarre places worldwide. In this episode of our podcast, we discuss all the cool places we have lined up, giving you a little sneak peak for Weird World Adventures Season 2. From Romania to New Orleans to Salem and beyond, come see how weird this world of ours really is. My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always…
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    15 min
  • Getting to Know Salem and the Witch Trials
    Jan 29 2025
    On this episode of the Weird World Adventures podcast, Malorie and Michael talk with Dr. Mike Vitka from Spellbound Tours and Dr. Vitka’s Myths, Legends, and Lore about the dark history of the Salem Witch Trials and the interesting and inclusive community Salem has today. Join us as we discuss horror, history, mystery, and vampires! My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial writer for various travel platforms to volunteering on scientific expeditions around the world. I’ve found that the character…
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    43 min
  • Cults, Ghosts, and More with Coleman Watts
    Jan 21 2025
    On this episode of the Weird World Adventures podcast, Malorie talks with YouTube creator and scientific skeptic Coleman Watts about cults, ghosts, and more. Coleman’s channel “Think this Through” on YouTube showcases critical thinking in a fun and quirky way. Let’s get weird this week in our conversation with Coleman Watts. My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial writer for various travel platforms to volunteering on scientific expeditions around the world. I’ve found that the character of a location can…
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    44 min
  • Sequoia National Park
    Jan 15 2025
    In this episode of the Weird World Adventures podcast, Malorie and Michael talk about their visit to Sequoia National Park and the must-see experiences and hikes within the park. From the big trees to Tokopah Falls, learn all about the best things to do in Sequoia National Park. (And we apologize in advance for the distressed audio. We recorded this while actively on the go, and we learned from our mistakes with that.) My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial…
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    22 min
  • Discussing the Van Gogh Experience
    Jan 8 2025
    In this episode of the Weird World Adventures podcast, Malorie and Michael discuss the Van Gogh Experience that has been traveling the US. They discuss facts they didn’t know about Van Gogh’s life and what it was like to be fully immersed in impressionistic displays. From the “ear incident” to Van Gogh committing himself to take time to do his art, they cover the range of facts they learned at this experience. My name is Malorie Mackey, and I’ve always had a strong passion for everything dorky and unusual. My adventures have taken me from working as an editorial writer…
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    26 min