- You are an infinitely-loved child of this universe.
- Nothing that ever happens to you is bad, though at times certain situations may be annoying, uncomfortable, frustrating, etc. It’s all part of the process of becoming purified.
- Panic.
- Follow the mainstream news too closely.
- Dismiss the danger.
Take time for yourself to:
- Meditate
- Read
- Walk outdoors
- Call family members and friends
- Write (journal, goals, vision, business plans, )
- Have deep conversations with your spouse, kids, family, etc.
- This may sound weird, but don’t be afraid to ponder death.
- Listen to previous episodes of this show
Keep Shining!
The Mystic Show episodes are also available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Android, RSS.
Theme music is part of the song “Flight” written and performed by Richard Shulman. (used with permission)