It can be challenging to navigate your thyroid healing journey outside of conventional medical recommendations. While there is definitely a time and place for medication, for many people it isn’t the only option and a natural approach may be more desirable.
In today’s Save My Thyroid Audit, I’m talking to Paula, who was diagnosed with Graves’ disease and later fired by her endocrinologist when she chose to follow a natural treatment approach. Unfortunately, this is common for patients seeking alternative treatment options. In this episode, Paula and I discuss why she decided to try natural treatments, her experience with the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet and herbal supplements, the significant health improvements she’s seen so far, my recommendations for continued reduction of her symptoms, why individualized care is essential, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of thyroid health, and more.
While this isn’t the same as my comprehensive consultations with patients, I’m confident you’ll find this conversation valuable. If you would like to apply for an audit with me, you can do so by visiting Enjoy the episode!
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