
  • Jaya Mata Kali by Sonya from Mantra Circle
    Jan 31 2025

    Jaya mātā kālī
    G Am
    Jaya mātā durge
    F Am Em Am
    kālī durge namo namah
    F G
    kālī durge namo namah
    F Am Em Am
    kālī durge namo namah

    Mantra for the Divine Mother. Kali, the dark and mysterious goddess.
    O divine mother, O Kali, O Durga, I pay my respects to you

    Performed by Sonya

    "Jaya Mata Kali" belongs to the particularly enthusiastic, particularly ecstatic and joyful kirtans. Jaya means "victory to", "reverence to", "long live". Jaya also means "triumph in."
    The divine mother is everywhere, she is the life. "Jaya, reverence to the life that is everywhere. And may I feel this divine mother."
    This divine mother is Mata, precisely Mother. She is Kali, Kali is the dark goddess, literally "the black one," the one who manifests mysteriously, also takes away all attachments, who is also the dance of the universe. This divine mother, Mata, is Durga. And Durga is the Goddess who is riding on a tiger or riding on a lion, who has raised her hand in gesture of blessing and who gives one confidence and protection, the Goddess of Protection. Durga is also the one we can turn to when there are any difficulties, she is protection, she is also comfort and she helps us.

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence
    Follow us on our other online channels:
    ⚛️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaVidya/
    ⚛️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de/

    Om Shanti

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    5 min
  • Jaya Shri Krishna Chaitanya by Devi from Mantra Circle
    Jan 24 2025

    Dm F C B
    jaya shri krishna chaitanya prabhu nityananda
    Dm F C B
    shri advaita gadadhara shrivasadi gaurabhakta vrinda
    Dm F C B
    hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare
    Dm F C B
    hare rama hare rama, rama rama hare hare

    Performed by Devi

    This mantra honors Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his closest disciples and companions.
    O Krishna Chaitanya, great master. You have given happiness and joy to mankind. Your four disciples Advaitacharya, Nityananda, Gadadhara and Shrivasa inspire us to this day.

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de

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    6 min
  • Shankara sings Radhe Govinda
    Jan 17 2025

    Shankara sings Radhe Govinda during a satsang at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg.

    Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda
    Radhe Radhe Govinda
    Govinda Radhe
    Radhe Radhe Govinda
    Govinda Radhe

    "Radhe Radhe Govinda Govinda Radhe" is a kirtan for the worship of Krishna and Radha, it sings of the divine couple. Radha is the feminine aspect, Govinda is the masculine aspect. Radha means "love" and "joy", Govinda is the good shepherd. And so this mantra invokes the divine couple, as protection and as love. In this way, we can fully connect with the Divine, as protection and as love. Radha and Govinda together stand for the Divine everywhere. We can experience God as love, we can let our heart speak, we can experience God with joy. And we can be sure that God cares about us, that only what is supposed to happen happens. (mein.yoga-vidya.de/profiles/blogs/radhe-radhe-govinda-version-3)

    If you want to see more of Shankara, you can visit his webpage: shankarayoga.de
    or you sign up for his coming Bhakti-Yoga event by following: yoga-vidya.de/seminare/leiter/shankara-stefan-maune/

    You can share the video with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence
    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

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    16 min
  • Kirbanu sings Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
    Jan 10 2025

    A throwback to the Musikfestival of 2023 where Kirbanu held a concert and gave a rendition of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.

    The mantra "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" is a mantra of recognition. It makes you acknowledge the divine within you as you listen and recite. With the "Om Namo Bhagavate" you join a sound flow that will fill you with deepest devotion, joy and bliss and let you peacefully become one with the big picture.

    Find out more of Kirbanu by visiting https://kirbanu.com or https://www.youtube.com/@Kirbanu/

    You can share the video with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏

    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

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    5 min
  • Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva by Group Mudita
    Jan 3 2025

    (Capo 1)

    Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva
    Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Sadashiva
    Om Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahadeva
    Dm E
    Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaya
    Am Dm E
    Brahma Vishnu Surarchithaya Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaya
    E Am
    Uma Ganesha Sharavana Sevitha Om Namo Namo Namah Shivaya

    Shiva is worshipped and praised with this mantra.
    The invocation consists of two epithets of Shiva, "hara" and "mahadeva". It is often sung on auspicious occasions, such as at prayer or when entering a Shiva temple.

    performed by Group Mudita

    • facebook.com/GruppeMudita

    • yoga-vidya.de/seminare/leiter/gruppemudita

    You can share the video with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence
    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

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    9 min
  • Deva Deva Sivananda by Shivapriya from Mantra Circle
    Dec 27 2024

    Deva Deva Sivananda
    Dina Bandho Pahi Mam
    Chandra-vadana Manda-hasa
    Prema-rupa Raksha Mam

    Jnana-rupa Pahi Mam
    Mohananga Raksha Mam

    Dana-shila Pahi Mam
    Papa-harana Punya-shila
    Parama-purusha Raksha Mam

    Svaminatha Pahi Mam
    Chit-svarupa Chidananda
    Sivananda Raksha Mam

    Sadguru Jaya Sivananda
    Sadguru Jaya Pahi Mam
    Sadguru Jaya Sivananda
    Sadguru Jaya Raksha Mam

    complete notes & chords:

    performed by Shivapriya

    Deva Deva Sivananda is a wonderful kirtan for the worship of Swami Sivananda. It has been composed and written by one of Swami Sivananda's disciples and is widely loved at Yoga Vidya. It expresses the deep devotion we have for Swami Sivananda. We adress him as the manifestion oft he Divine (Deva Deva), we praise him as the the one who spread love and knowledge to the whole world and beg for his protecion (pahi man, raksha mam). We open up for this guidance so that he can work through us and we can follow his call to the highest goal of life.

    You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞
    This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

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    3 min
  • Sundaram & Friends - Shri Ganesha
    Dec 20 2024

    Performed by Sundaram and Friends at Yoga Vidya Easter Concert 2024


    You can share the video with others, to spread love and harmony.🌍💞 This way you actively help to spread yoga around the world. You can also support us with a donation which helps us keep our association alive. 🙏
    Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel the divine presence.

    Follow us on our other online channels:
    ⚛️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YogaVidya/
    ⚛️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yogavidya_de/

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    5 min
  • Maria | Kailash Ki | Live Kirtan
    Dec 13 2024

    🎵 Kailash Ki Shakti Shiva
    Shankara Ki Jaya Jaya

    Yamuna Ki Jaya Jaya
    Ganga Ki Jaya Jaya

    Om Namah Shivaya
    Shivaya Namaha 🎵

    gesungen von Maria.

    Du kannst das Audio mit anderen teilen, um Liebe und Harmonie zu verbreiten.🌍💞 So hilfst du aktiv mit, Yoga in der Welt zu verbreiten. Du kannst uns auch mit einer Spende unterstützen, die uns hilft, unseren Verein am Leben zu erhalten. Hier kannst du spenden: yoga-vidya.de/spenden 🙏

    Mantra-/ Kirtan-Singen ist eine wunderbare Praxis, um das Herz zu öffnen und die göttliche Gegenwart zu spüren

    Folge uns auf unseren anderen Online-Kanälen:

    ⚛️ Facebook: facebook.com/YogaVidya
    ⚛️ Instagram: instagram.com/yogavidya_de

    💛 Om Shanti 🕉

    Voir plus Voir moins
    10 min