Maranatha Baptist Church of Globe, Arizona

Auteur(s): Pastor Brian Morris
  • Résumé

  • Sermon podcast for Maranatha Baptist Church in Globe, Arizona. We exist to glorify God by disciplining more and better followers of Christ. Our pastor preaches exegetical, expositional sermons with the goal for the Lord to be glorified and the believer might be edified. See our website at for more information.
    Pastor Brian Morris
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  • Nineveh Repents
    Oct 28 2024

    Jonah 3:5-10

    Jonah preaches the word of God to the Ninevites they hear and they repent. The message reaches the greatest and the least - even the king. The King issues a decree expanding their fast. The text shows us what repentance looks like. They received a believable message from a reliable source and so they repent. True repentance plus sound doctrine will result in godly living. Pastor Brian also mentions what happens to Nineveh following the close of the book of Jonah.

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    37 min
  • Repent or Perish
    Oct 22 2024

    Jonah 3:1-5

    In this sermon, Pastor Brian Morris examines what we can learn about preaching from Jonah. Jonah preaches a sermon that leads to mass repentance from the people of Nineveh, yet it seems that Jonah does not preach to himself first. What Jonah does right is that he simply preaches the word, and the word does the work. In all of this though we see that Jonah's message is not all that different from ours today. We also have a message to preach of repent or perish, as we see Jesus preach in Luke 13:5. We get the joy of preaching Christ and him crucified for the salvation of sinners.

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    37 min
  • The Song of Jonah
    Sep 29 2024

    Sermon Text: Jonah 1:17-2:10

    Jonah cries out to God from the belly of the fish. Though he has sought to flee from the Lord's presence in chapter 1, here in chapter two he longs to be in the presence of God again.

    From this text Pastor Brian points out that God desires more than just lip service from us, that Salvation belong to God, and that there is nowhere that God's children can go where God's cannot hear you.

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    40 min

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