It's among the most unique podcasts out there. Lour After Hours, a gathering of huge Dan LeBatard Show fans, has grown organically into a huge community of podcasters and guests, with all kinds of interesting characters. So how did this all happen? What brought the crew together, and how has it grown into something with this big a life? That's where we start when joined by five members of the Lour crew (Jeff, Jeanette, Art, Lou and @BeepCount). Which Lour folks have taken on the personalities of the show crew? From there, we talk action heroes and coked out bears. Elizabeth Banks is set to direct a film - true story! - about a bear that finds, then eats, a massive amount of coke, then dies of an OD. Which action hero character is best suited to take on this sort of challenge, were an action hero deemed necessary? Then, we play a game around the best films of 1998. If you had to build a poker hand of cinematic dominance, which movies would you include? Then how would you create a hand out of Meryl Streep films? Finally, we get hats!!!