Empower Me! W.O.W. - Wisdom Over Wounds - March 28
Isn’t There Some Misunderstanding?
“ ‘Let us go to Judea again.’ The disciples said to Him, ‘. . . are You going there again?’ ”
John 11:7–8
Words of encouragement, prayer, prophecy and exhortation.
Sharing the powerful daily message from: “My Utmost For His Highest.”
A simple sharing from the works of Oswald Chambers has blessed my soul and lifted me from some of the hardest places.
May Words of Wisdom began to prevail over your wounded and shattered being. We speak LIFE to you today.
Death and destruction no longer have the power to keep you in the evil bonds of depression or despair.
Arise and shine for the light of the Lord has come to you.
Be free! Be Empowered!
Walk in your W.O.W. Moment… WISDOM OVER WOUNDS.
*** Often when I refer to the Saints… I’m referring to the true Believers and followers of Christ Jesus.***
Sharing: My Utmost For His Highest - Daily Word
Music: King Of Glory
By: @braamofficial Instrumental Music
Prophetic Worship Prayer
Author:Barbara Nutt Duffey Hammonds
Tried in the Fire Ministries, Inc.
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#drillsergeantseries #makingjewels #Barbaranuttduffey
****Empower Me! W.O.W. is found on most Podcast Channels****