
  • MCDP 1 Warfighting - Chapter 4
    Jan 11 2024

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    Since Fleet Marine Force Manual 1, Warfighting, was first published in 1989, it has had a significant impact both inside and outside the Marine Corps. That manual has changed the way Marines think about warfare. It has caused energetic debate and has been translated into several foreign languages, issued by foreign militaries, and published commercially. It has strongly influenced the development of doctrine by our sister Services.

    "This book describes my philosophy on warfighting. It is the Marine Corps' doctrine and, as such, provides the authoritative basis for how we fight and how we prepare to fight...I expect every officer to read--and reread--this book, understand it, and take its message to heart. The thoughts contained here represent not just guidance for actions in combat, but a way of thinking in general." (A.M. GRAY General, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps)

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    37 min
  • MCDP 1 Warfighting - Chapter 3
    Jan 11 2024

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    Since Fleet Marine Force Manual 1, Warfighting, was first published in 1989, it has had a significant impact both inside and outside the Marine Corps. That manual has changed the way Marines think about warfare. It has caused energetic debate and has been translated into several foreign languages, issued by foreign militaries, and published commercially. It has strongly influenced the development of doctrine by our sister Services.

    "This book describes my philosophy on warfighting. It is the Marine Corps' doctrine and, as such, provides the authoritative basis for how we fight and how we prepare to fight...I expect every officer to read--and reread--this book, understand it, and take its message to heart. The thoughts contained here represent not just guidance for actions in combat, but a way of thinking in general." (A.M. GRAY General, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps)

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    Use of visual information from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or military does not imply or constitute any official endorsement. It's essential to understand that Parade Deck.com, along with any influencers associated with us, does not represent or have official endorsement from the U.S. military or the Department of Defense. The views expressed and content shared are exclusively our own.

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    21 min
  • MCDP 1 Warfighting - Chapter 2
    Jan 11 2024

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    Since Fleet Marine Force Manual 1, Warfighting, was first published in 1989, it has had a significant impact both inside and outside the Marine Corps. That manual has changed the way Marines think about warfare. It has caused energetic debate and has been translated into several foreign languages, issued by foreign militaries, and published commercially. It has strongly influenced the development of doctrine by our sister Services.

    "This book describes my philosophy on warfighting. It is the Marine Corps' doctrine and, as such, provides the authoritative basis for how we fight and how we prepare to fight...I expect every officer to read--and reread--this book, understand it, and take its message to heart. The thoughts contained here represent not just guidance for actions in combat, but a way of thinking in general." (A.M. GRAY General, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps)

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    Use of visual information from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or military does not imply or constitute any official endorsement. It's essential to understand that Parade Deck.com, along with any influencers associated with us, does not represent or have official endorsement from the U.S. military or the Department of Defense. The views expressed and content shared are exclusively our own.

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    38 min
  • MCDP 1 - Warfighting Chapter 1
    Jan 11 2024

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    Since Fleet Marine Force Manual 1, Warfighting, was first published in 1989, it has had a significant impact both inside and outside the Marine Corps. That manual has changed the way Marines think about warfare. It has caused energetic debate and has been translated into several foreign languages, issued by foreign militaries, and published commercially. It has strongly influenced the development of doctrine by our sister Services.

    "This book describes my philosophy on warfighting. It is the Marine Corps' doctrine and, as such, provides the authoritative basis for how we fight and how we prepare to fight...I expect every officer to read--and reread--this book, understand it, and take its message to heart. The thoughts contained here represent not just guidance for actions in combat, but a way of thinking in general." (A.M. GRAY General, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant of the Marine Corps)

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    Use of visual information from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or military does not imply or constitute any official endorsement. It's essential to understand that Parade Deck.com, along with any influencers associated with us, does not represent or have official endorsement from the U.S. military or the Department of Defense. The views expressed and content shared are exclusively our own.

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    24 min
  • MCDP 1 Warfighting - Foreward
    Jan 11 2024

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    Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 1, Warfighting, encapsulates the foundational philosophy which distinguishes the US Marine Corps and is required reading for Marines of all ranks. Chapter 1 focuses on the fundamental characteristics which define war. Most prominent among them is the unpredictable nature of war, characterized by uncertainty, friction, and disorder. War is fundamentally a human struggle in which the moral and mental aspects carry greater importance than the physical.

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    5 min
  • General John A. Lejeune's Birthday Message
    Sep 28 2023

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    Alex Liddell of the United States Marine Corps delivers a formal recitation of the Marine Corps Birthday Message, originally authored by the 13th Commandant, John A. Lejeune. This reading is a storied tradition, capturing the spirit and history of the Marine Corps, serving to inspire and uphold the Corps' rich legacy.

    On November 1st, 1921, John A. Lejeune, 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps, directed that a reminder of the honorable service of the Corps be published by every command, to all Marines throughout the globe, on the birthday of the Corps. Since that day, Marines have continued to distinguish themselves on many battlefields and foreign shores, in war and peace. On this birthday of the Corps, therefore, in compliance with the will of the 13th Commandant, Article 38, United States Marine Corps Manual, Edition of 1921.

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    3 min
  • A Message to Garcia (full reading)
    Sep 5 2023

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    Long a staple of military professional reading lists, “A Message to Garcia,” written by Elbert Hubbard continues to be considered among the most important literary works on leadership—and followership. It held a place of prominence on the Marine Corps Commandant’s reading list from the first list in 1989 all the way through 2015.

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    Use of visual information from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or military does not imply or constitute any official endorsement. It's essential to understand that Parade Deck.com, along with any influencers associated with us, does not represent or have official endorsement from the U.S. military or the Department of Defense. The views expressed and content shared are exclusively our own.

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    9 min
  • A Message to Garcia (foreword)
    Sep 5 2023

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    Foreword from author, Elbert Hubbard read by Alex Liddell.

    Long a staple of military professional reading lists, “A Message to Garcia,” written by Elbert Hubbard continues to be considered among the most important literary works on leadership—and followership. It held a place of prominence on the Marine Corps Commandant’s reading list from the first list in 1989 all the way through 2015.

    Narrated by Alex Liddell

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    Use of visual information from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) or military does not imply or constitute any official endorsement. It's essential to understand that Parade Deck.com, along with any influencers associated with us, does not represent or have official endorsement from the U.S. military or the Department of Defense. The views expressed and content shared are exclusively our own.

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    5 min