
  • Co-operation with evil
    Feb 26 2025
    Can a pro-life Christian anaesthetist take part in surgical abortions, even if they are simply ensuring the mother is safely put under and do not do the actual abortion? What about the nurse checking blood pressure earlier on the ward? Or the porter wheeling the mother into theatre? Or the person who made the scalpel? In this episode, prompted by a question from an anaesthetist listener wrestling with this precise dilemma, we try to think through the theological problem of ‘co-operation with evil’. To what extent, if at all, can believers do things which enmesh them with other people’s wrong deeds? What did Jesus mean by ‘render to Caesar what is Caesar’s’? Is it ever possible to maintain our Christian integrity in our fallen and ever more interconnected world? How can we decide where to draw the lines? • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    48 min
  • Cryptocurrency: Financial liberation for the masses or pyramid schemes for the gullible?
    Feb 19 2025
    Due to illness, we weren’t able to record a new episode this week, so instead here’s one from the Matters of Life and Death archive you might enjoy. So-called memecoins – new cryptocurrencies launched solely as tongue-in-cheek speculative online investment assets – have boomed in recent months. Back in 2023 we were joined by Christian tech writer and Baptist minister Chris Goswami to try to unpick how we should feel as believers about cryptocurrencies. What is bitcoin, and is it any different to previous internet-based tech industries we could invest in which have boomed and gone bust over the years? Are they providing financial liberation for some of the poor and excluded communities in the developing world, or simply luring vulnerable under-educated people into shady scams? And how can we grow in wisdom and discernment as believers so that we can pick our way through this wildly accelerating field of technological advancement, avoiding what is harmful while pursuing the good? • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    1 h et 4 min
  • Should we fear our new social media overlords in the age of Trump?
    Feb 12 2025
    Elon Musk, the mercurial billionaire who owns Twitter, is increasingly wielding his enormous political power via his social media network, interfering in politics in America and far beyond. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook, has tried to align his business with the new regime in Washington by abolishing fact-checking. Should we be alarmed at where social media is going in the 2020s, with populist right-wing movements leveraging their online influence in very real offline consequences? Can Christians continue to use their platforms, or should we join the progressive exodus to alternative sites? And how can we work out who to trust and where to get our news from in this confusing post-truth, post-legacy media world? • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    1 h et 1 min
  • Knowing our own bodies: Fertility apps and the pill, with Dawn McAvoy
    Feb 5 2025
    Recent research by the abortion provider BPAS has uncovered a striking increase in the numbers of women who use fertility tracking apps as contraception, rather than the more traditional hormonal pill, coil or implant. And, perhaps most interestingly, there has also been sharp rise in women using no contraception of any kind. In this episode we revisit our last conversation on contraception (linked below) with Dawn McAvoy from the “pro-women pro-life” movement Both Lives, and reconsider why so many women today are turning away from hormonal contraception. Several generations on from the introduction of the Pill, what have been the consequences for society and the church? What are the ethical risks for Christians who believe life begins at conception? Do these fertility-tracking apps actually work, or are they just exploiting ignorance and vague notions of wellness? BPAS research on contraception methods: https://srh.bmj.com/content/early/2025/01/01/bmjsrh-2024-202573 A BBC News article reporting the study: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c391nlxrv4vo and women’s responses: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c93lq2w5n44o Our last episode exploring contraception: https://www.johnwyatt.com/should-christians-abandon-contraception/ Dawn leads Both Lives, part of the Evangelical Alliance: https://www.eauk.org/what-we-do/initiatives/both-lives • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    1 h et 1 min
  • Should we try to save every one? Ethical dilemmas and Christian values when treating very premature babies
    Jan 29 2025
    A recent Guardian article looked in depth at advances in neonatology – the care of extremely premature babies – and the complex ethical challenges now faced by parents and doctors alike. Modern medicine can now save the lives of babies born at just 21 or 22 weeks old, but does this come at too great a cost? How are we supposed to decide which babies to throw the full weight of neonatal intensive care at, and which ones cannot be saved? Can Christian parents ever countenance not trying to save a premature baby’s life and instead accept their inevitable death? And what are the Christian roots of the revolution in neonatology in recent years, and how might it be under threat from other competing worldviews present in medicine today? ‘Look, they’re getting skin!’: are we right to strive to save the world’s tiniest babies? – https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/nov/19/look-theyre-getting-skin-the-moral-challenge-of-saving-the-worlds-tiniest-babies The Guardian article which prompted this episode is well worth reading. • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    1 h et 3 min
  • Who do children belong to in an era of surrogacy and reproductive technology?
    Jan 22 2025
    Advances in reproductive medicine in the past half century have meant it is entirely possible for as many as five different adults to be involved in the birth of one child (sperm and egg donors, a surrogate mother who carries the fetus, and the commissioning parents who will raise them, and paid for everyone else). In this maelstrom of competing claims, the state and courts in many countries have been forced to step in and begin to regulate and define identity and kinship for these new children, as procreation gets messily broken down into its constituent parts. In this episode we consider a provocative essay by a legal philosopher who explores the troubling implications of this new reality, and ask as Christians where do we stand on the question: who do children belong to? What is lost when children come into the world not inescapably rooted in one family, but as the result of a commercial transaction? How does adoption, generally held in honour by most believers, differ from surrogacy arrangements increasingly pursued by wider society? The essay by Jeff Shafer which prompted this conversation: https://mcrawford.substack.com/p/to-whom-do-children-belong Our previous episode on surrogacy from 2023: https://www.johnwyatt.com/surrogacy/ • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    46 min
  • An anxious generation: Are social media and smartphones ruining children’s mental health?
    Jan 15 2025
    Since 2010 mental health problems among young people have exploded. At precisely the same time, smartphones and social media have become deeply embedded in the lives of children and teenagers. A growing body of evidence suggests these two things are connected. In this episode we consider the argument that a turn away from physical outdoor play towards spending endless hours scrolling and messaging via screens is hugely detrimental to the wellbeing of young people. And if this is true, why has it happened, and what can we do about it? What resources might the church and Christian faith have to bear on this problem? Do we need to radically retool our own church culture to become havens of disconnection and embodied in-person community? Or this just another moral panic at the advent of a new form of technology? The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt - https://www.anxiousgeneration.com/book Haidt’s Substack newsletter After Babel is also worth reading, including his recent post using documents from court cases against TikTok - https://www.afterbabel.com/p/industrial-scale-harm-tiktok Australia is trying to implement a world-first ban on social media for under-16s - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c89vjj0lxx9o Some towns are trying out shared pledges from parents to stay smartphone-free - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckg2r4rxjd9o Our previous episode with Andy Crouch discussing Haidt’s research and Crouch’s own writing on how to cultivate tech-wise Christian households - https://pod.link/1509923173/episode/515cca3cfe50794d7e60d1e0d753f86a • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    1 h et 1 min
  • Giving, data and compassion: Should Christians all be ‘effective altruists’?
    Jan 8 2025
    A movement founded at the University of Oxford in 2009 has now captured the imagination – and the wallets – of some of the brightest and most successful across elite Western academic and business circles. Effective altruism, a 21st-century data-driven take on the philosophy of utilitarianism, claims we must give our time and money only to those causes which can be proven to increase the greatest amount of pleasure to the most people. Why has this eccentric community grown so fast, has it become unmoored from its original intentions, and what perverse incentives arise when we try to distil ethics into an algorithm? We then go on to explore the Christian sub-community within EA and ask whether the movement’s fundamental ideas are compatible with Christian tradition on giving. Is Christian EA a welcome challenge to our increasingly sentimental and selfish modes of charity, or has it actually missed the point on the nature of God? • Subscribe to the Matters of Life and Death podcast: https://pod.link/1509923173 • If you want to go deeper into some of the topics we discuss, visit John's website: http://www.johnwyatt.com • For more resources to help you explore faith and the big questions, visit: http://www.premierunbelievable.com
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    1 h