Would you like to get the most out of your time by being far more more productive every day? Having a well-thought-out time management system not only enables you to get more work done but to also have rest time and make more money as a creative. Dawn Marcotte is a mom, runner, and reader of all things mystery. She has also been a professional (that means someone actually pays her), freelance writer, for over 10 years. In addition to writing books, Dawn provides helpful information in her Facebook Group, Women Coaches and Consultants Growing Our Business. She’s always happy to give a little free advice to new entrepreneurs to help them along their journey. In today’s episode of The Well-Paid Creative, Dawn explains how she created a time management system that enables her to do what is needed in a way that works for her. Listen in to learn the importance of having a calendar where you schedule your work and make it easier to prioritize the important stuff. Full Show Notes: https://wellpaidcreative.com/52