We are the United Digital Nomads.
About this episode
Meet Chris Pratte, member of the AVL Digital Nomads. Chris recounts her journey, discussing the jump from office to remote, and her (hilarious) perspective of the origin of the AVL Digital Nomads. She shares about her participation with AVL DN's outreach to the community, giving back to Asheville, the city that she loves.
This week's featured locally (Asheville, NC) produced beverage: Hibiscus Lavender Ginger Beer from Ginger's Revenge.
About the United Digital Nomads
The United Digital Nomads is an expanded vision of the AVL Digital Nomads, a meetup group in Asheville, NC, since 2021. The mission of UDN is to help remote workers thrive. This includes remote and hybrid workers, traveling nomads, freelance and solo entrepreneurs.
- Visit: avldigitalnomads.org
- Join: the AVL Digital Nomads slack community
- Follow: @avldigitalnomads on Instagram