Let’s face it…most people don’t like going to staff meeting, usually because they are either uninterested in the purpose of the meeting or they’re not too fond of a person (or people) who will be at the meeting, especially when that person or people are in leadership over them. But when it comes to the life and effectiveness of the house of God, church meetings are supposed to be approached with a different attitude. After all, the people at such meetings are handling GOD’S business and not their own, so they need to ensure that they have the proper disposition BEFORE such meetings ever begin. Fortunately, the Bible has given us some specific guidance about HOW we can go about ensuring that all of our church meetings are productive, positive and powered by God….and the Book of Acts is where we’ll be examining this guidance. Come fellowship with us and see how the Apostles laid the proper foundation for having a “Meeting of the Minds”!