My Amazing Mess is a podcast hosted by actor and producer Laura Allen and singer/songwriter and actor Liv Austen. Every Friday we release our Messy Musings, where we discuss different aspects of being a self employed creative. In this episode we talk about learning. Creatives know well (maybe better than most) that you never stop learning in your job. We discuss the different ways of learning. Is formal training always the way? Or is learning on the job just as good? What if you have many different interests - how do you choose what to train in and when you have to accept that you will be going in to your first jobs fairly green, ready to learn? We would love to hear your thoughts on learning - comment on our Instagram or email us your thoughts at!
My Amazing Mess
Created by Laura Allen
Produced and hosted by Laura Allen, Liv Austen
Music by Liv Austen (recorded by Liv Austen and Jon Wright)
Recorded at Jon Wright Music
Edited by Liv Austen