
  • Why I joined the Libertarian Party’s classical liberal caucus.
    Mar 25 2023
    Why I joined the libertarian party’s classical liberal caucus. And what do I think about the Mises caucus ?
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    32 min
  • Michaels Libertarian pizza party - The Mises Caucus
    May 31 2022
    Michael address concerns he has with the mises caucus and there latest influence on the National Libertarian Libertarian party and the Libertarian National Committee , Michael basically calls out his own party
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    21 min
  • Michael J. Long - host of Michaels Libertarian Pizza Party talks about Trump , Biden , and the LP
    May 30 2022
    In this episode I talk about what I don’t like about President Joe Biden’s Polices and that of his predecessor’s Donald J Trump and his polices and I also lay down support for the libertarian party and discussed and made an encergeong appeal to voters to vote Libertarian
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    21 min
  • Political news - president joe Biden’s performance and why libertarians should be elected .
    Apr 20 2022
    In this episode I discuss , president joe Biden’s performance with regards to the Russian Ukrainian war and other issues , why we need to get libertarians elected in all levels of government in this country , and what we can do to get Libertarians elected. Now if you want to subscribe to my shows YouTube channel go to www.youtube.com/c/michaelslibertarianpizzaparty or you can listen to this very podcast via anchor.fm/Michaeljlong if your in the gloversville johnstown area here in New York stare you can toon in to 89.6fm to listen or you can listen to my radio show through radio.co and cloud radio.io and a cuple of websites for for this site one of which is www.michaelslibertara.wixsite.com/my-site other listed on this shows podcast page and you can check me out on Facebook www.Facebook.com/realmichaelslibertarianpizzaparty also if your on YouTube don’t forget to subscribe click the notification bell and select all and then that way you can be notified of any further video content and live streams that I do .or you can become a YouTube channel member by signing up etc ps , I will also give Larry sharpe some coverage in this episode for the New York State governor race
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    31 min
  • what a Libertarian is and Vaccines - your body your choice
    Oct 31 2021

    in this episode I break down the the fact that people should decide for them selves what they choose to put in there own bodies , how they choose to spend there lives etc. as long as they don't impose harm to others or impose danger force or fraud to others , and if they decide on wether to take the vaccines or not , that that's up to them i.e. the individual to decide " you".

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    18 min
  • Michael J. Long interviews Brandon Lyon 2nd interview
    Feb 19 2021
    Michael J. Long interviews brandon lyon on the fair tax , abortion , gun rights , the Libertarian party and more.
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    1 h et 14 min
  • Michael J. Long on The Fair Tax , Social Security and the National Debt
    Feb 12 2021

    Michael J. Long on The Fair Tax , Social Security and the National Debt , A Minarchest and Pragmatic Libertarian way to save America's economy.

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    21 min
  • Michael J. Long's response to the coronavirus ( Covid 19)
    Feb 9 2021

    this video/audio was made last year by me and was published on you tube regarding the Governments response to Covid 19/ the Carnivorous

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    2 min