Micheal Stocks is currently working as a freelance consultant within the hospitality sector, working on projects that have a particular focus on drinks menus, training, store openings, and growing businesses.
In this episode of Served With, Adam and Micheal look at:
- Using post-mortem techniques to help examine what might fail within a project and how to prevent roadblocks, consider contingencies and set realistic timelines for projects.
- What different stakeholders might need to get out of new software systems and how to consider the upgrades a business needs.
- Identifying different challenges a business is facing and providing solutions for all the stakeholders involved.
- Considering feedback, keeping the focus on a project, and making sure projects are feasible.
Watch and listen to Served With podcast to learn more about project management and how Micheal is helping businesses to develop their software and technology as well as considering how this fits with the stakeholder's needs.
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