
  • Where’s the Bottom to This?
    Jun 3 2022

    by Bill White


    You may have already noticed, but June is the month during which all of the major companies, obviously social media giants like Google, Twitter, government agencies and the like have scheduled to bombard you with their campaign to normalise behaviour that is antithetical to the Torah and for that matter, every idolatry practiced by billions of people, in fact, a considerable majority of the worldwide population.

    Let’s get the disclaimer out of the way. My comments here and elsewhere are not ‘hateful conduct’ and my opinion is not intended to “promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

    On the contrary, this month-long deluge of behaviour that is antithetical to the Torah is targeting religious affiliation and should be prevented by companies who claim to police the Internet. But their social ‘justice’ is selective.

    These companies and agencies have an agenda, which is to force you to accept behaviour that is contrary to the teaching of [your] religion. It’s sort of like forcing a bakery to make a cake but on a global scale. And if you don’t submit, if you don’t accept, if don’t demonstrate a deep pleasure or satisfaction for that behavior, they will punish you. They will deny you your free speech rights, in favour of the “rights” of those whose behaviour they seek to promote.

    Today, Twitter suspended my personal account for 12 hours because of my reply to an offending Tweet by Elad Strohmayer (https://twitter.com/EladStr) that included the Foreign Ministry for Israel (https://twitter.com/IsraelMFA), in which I asked a simple question. I asked: “Is there no bottom to this…?” And I’m leaving out one five-letter word from that question, a five-letter word which is not recognised by anyone, anywhere as being obscene. But a five-letter word that Twitter claims turned my simple question into “Hateful Conduct”. To confirm, there was no threat. There was no individual person targeted by my Tweet. It would be like asking the question, “is there no bottom to the Left’s lying?”. Go ahead and run through your own list of five-letter words, and you decide.

    But I have another question. Why is Twitter, Google and all of the promoters of this behaviour entitled to ignore my faith, no, not ignore my beliefs, why are they entitled to debase my religious beliefs and the beliefs of billions of people around the world, in favour of any other group’s private activities, or at least what should be private activities?

    To be clear, I don’t care what anyone does in the privacy of their consensual relationships with other people. The personal challenge and test these people are living will be judged by G-D, whether or not they believe in G-D. It’s not for me to decide. But if you’re Jewish and you’re encouraging other Jews to violate Halakha, or Jewish Law, then, it is my obligation to point that out.

    But Twitter, Google, and the others, will force us to endure a month-long assault and their attempts to normalise behaviour that is contrary to our religious beliefs and worse, we’re not allowed to politely express an objecting opinion. They’re violating their own “police powers” by allowing, no, encouraging people to post content that seeks to debase my religious beliefs. Who gives these companies the right to do that?

    Where’s the Bottom to This?


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    4 min
  • It’s Always About Racism for the Racists
    Jun 1 2022

    by Bill White


    The racists are at it again. Truth is, they never actually stopped.

    Tim Wise, who peddles himself as an ‘Anti-racist educator’, argued on MSNBC’s The ReidOut that the Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to stop slave rebellions rather than protect individual gun rights.

    Before I begin, just a quick detour on the subject of Wise being an ‘Anti-racist’… or an Anti-racist educator, whatever, I have the same yardstick for anyone who describes themselves as not being ‘Antisemitic’. If you have to tell me that you’re not, then you are. The evidence of you not being an antisemite or a racist is your actions not what you’re saying. So, if you need to tell me you’re Anti-racist, you’re probably one of their leaders.

    Anyway, it was just one year ago that Carol Anderson, who is a professional racist currently drawing a salary as “professor” of African American Studies at Emory University, was touting her book, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America, in which Anderson argued poorly that the “well-regulated Militia” found in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was created to provide states with a mechanism to quell potential slave uprisings.

    It’s only a week after the Uvalde Texas school shooting, but these racists are drudging up this false narrative once again. The fact that a majority of the citizens of Uvalde are Hispanic, as were most of the murdered students, AND the nutcase shooter… this obvious inconsistency in their philosophy does not seem to register with these idiots.

    In an op-ed for The Washington Post in 2014, Anderson argued that the unrest following the 2014 Ferguson shooting was a manifestation of "white rage", or white backlash against African American advancement. Her resulting book, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, expanded on this ridiculous theory.

    People like Anderson and those who peddle this narrative again, like Tim Wise, in the wake of the mass shooting at Uvalde are the true racists. Even a cursory inspection of the historical documents exposes the foolishness of Anderson’s theory and likewise anyone who repeats her nonsense.

    James Madison certainly gets credit, in June 1789, for the words “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” and “A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country,” against a tyrannical government.

    But Samuel Adams had made the same sentiments a year prior during the Massachusetts ratifying convention, where he proclaimed “the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms…”

    Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay collectively wrote eighty-five essays, known as the Federalist Papers, to persuade people, from those in politics to the average citizen, that the new Constitution would be an aid in the growth of the young nation.

    Continue Reading --> https://www.wirenews.org/post/midday-rant-it-s-always-about-racism-for-the-racists

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    5 min
  • ESG
    May 29 2022

    by Bill White


    Maybe you’ve heard the term “ESG” and perhaps you’re thinking that it has something to do with the environment or so-called “global warming” and you could be forgiven for thinking that because people like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and their ilk want you to think that. But you’d be wrong. So, what is ESG? What does it mean? And what is it really?

    Well, the initials stand for “Environmental, social, and corporate governance”, but they left out the “C”, which according to the official description is the most important part of what they’re doing… because officially, ESG ‘…is an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals that go beyond the role of a corporation to maximize profits on behalf of the corporation's shareholders’. That’s what it says on the can. But what are these Communists really doing?

    And I say Communists because for example, out of 435 ESG stakeholder proposals in 2021, just 22 were conservative. By the way, ESG is where we began hearing the term “stakeholder”, which according to ESG proponents, is everyone on the planet, but I digress. A March 2021 article published by Reuters entitled “Right-wing activists pose challenge to ESG crusade” went on to warn people that Conservatives were the problem. This means that Democrats and Leftists generally, you know, the neo-Communists, are the ones behind the ESG movement or what Reuters describes as a crusade.

    When you have a minute, go to Google or any other search engine and type in the name of your bank or mobile/cellphone provider or any other large company; it doesn’t matter and the letters “ESG” and you will be shown a page dedicated to literally bragging about what that company is doing to increase its ESG Rating.

    The most widely referenced ESG rating has an upper rank of Triple-A, dropping down to Double-A, companies in these top two levels are Leaders. Then moving down there is A, and Triple B, companies here are just Average. Then it gets a little fuzzy but moving down still further you find companies ranked as Double B, B, and Triple-C, and companies in the last two rankings are described as Laggards. There are corresponding numerical scores for the ABC ranking from zero at the very bottom to 10.00 at the top and I think this numerical rating system is the best part of their movement.

    Let’s get back to what this crusade is trying to do. ESG, really, has very little to do with the environment, or global warming, or climate change, or whatever these nuts are calling it now, and you know this because if it was really in aid of the environment, then, they, the proponents of ESG, would be the first reduce their own carbon footprint. They would be the first to get rid of their private jets or jet-pool… what we call commercial air travel because after all, they’re megalomaniacs, not hypocrites, right?

    ESG is being sold to you as having something to do with the environment because most people are easily conned into thinking that CO2, you know, the gas that every breathing creature on the earth exhales, is the real problem and that this “poison”, the thing that’s gonna kill is all, that every green plant on the earth depends on to survive, has to be reduced… because, well, not to put too fine a point on it, the people behind ESG know that most people are basically stupid.

    Continue Reading --> https://www.wirenews.org/post/midday-rant-esg

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    5 min
  • Billions to Protect Ukraine, Screw Your Kids’ Safety
    May 27 2022

    by Bill White


    As you know, a couple of weeks ago, the U.S. Congress gifted Ukraine $40 billion, a total of $58 billion of taxpayers’ money, so far this year, despite the efforts of Senator Rand Paul.

    And since 2020, Congress has passed three COVID relief packages that add up to over $190 billion for public and private schools. The vast majority of that money has gone to school districts and remains unspent, with some estimates that more than 80% or over $150 billion of the money remains unallocated.

    Remember when Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats and even some Republicans said the country couldn’t afford just $5 billion President Trump had requested to secure the nation’s southern border? These same people have no difficulty spending over $200 billion, of your money, for their projects.

    So, in the wake of yet another school shooting, after 19 students and two teachers were murdered in Uvalde Texas, because the school district there refused to spend money to secure the safety of those children, remember, it’s not because there isn’t enough money. The government is awash with cash for Ukraine and for schools to buy equipment so that teachers don’t have to attend schools, to do their jobs, the government just doesn’t have money to protect our country, and the school administrators never have any money to protect your children.

    Thank G-D, my children are out of school with two of them having recently graduated from universities, but if you have children in school, in America, and you’re paying tax, ask yourself, why are you voting for people who refuse to protect you and your children? Why are you allowing these school administrators to have jobs that you pay for with your tax dollars?

    When are you going to say enough? When are you going to put a stop to the government’s unchecked foreign spending? When are you going to tell these people that their services are no longer required?

    When my kids were in high school, in the UK, I recall every time I went to their school that I had to be granted access to the building. There were two doors and both of them were locked, and someone was there to ensure that my reason for being there was legitimate and that I wasn’t a threat to anyone inside that school. It’s not rocket science. It’s common sense.

    But Leftists want to ban guns. The ‘Progressives’ want more laws when really, all that needs to be done is to spend the money schools already have to provide an adequate level of protection for children and teachers. You can ban every gun and even if you could collect them all (and good luck with that), the crazies would just use knives or baseball bats or whatever they can get their hands on… It’s not the weapon that’s the problem. It’s the crazy people and the total lack of security at what has been intentionally and foolishly created as a gun-free zone.

    And frankly, there’d be a lot more money to protect your children at school if our ‘leaders’ would stop sending our money to Ukraine and to Iran and all the other foreign nations. As voters, we elect Representatives and Senators to protect our interests, in our state, not to worry about the rest of the world. Back in March, in another of my Rants, I spoke about Government Spending, and so I’ll repeat … an intervention is needed, while there’s still a country to save.


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    4 min
  • Gun-Free Zones Invite Attacks
    May 25 2022

    by Bill White


    Yesterday, 21 people, including 19 children at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas were murdered by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. Ramos, who was shot and killed by a U.S. Border Patrol agent, was a resident of Uvalde and he was also a local student at Uvalde High School.

    Additionally, 10 other people were injured, including Ramos’ own grandmother who he had shot at their home before he set off to launch his attack at 11:30 am local time.

    After arriving at the school, Ramos apparently crashed his vehicle into a ditch but he was able to get into the school despite trading shots with a police officer, who he wounded.

    As is always the case after a shooting, Leftists sprang into action demanding more gun control, in other words, more laws, but Ramos had legally purchased the semi-automatic rifle he used to commit murder, from a local gun store on May 16, 2022, which incidentally, was his 18th birthday. So-called “progressives” don’t want gun control. What these people really mean by gun control is the banning of certain types of weapons. And allowing them to ban one type will only lead to more bans.

    Later, yesterday evening, formerly Vice President Biden asked the nation to pray for the victims and their families and he said the nation has to ask itself "When in G-D’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in G-D’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?"

    So, once again, Democrats are demanding that Congress ban the so-called ‘Assault Rifle’ or AR-15, which was the weapon used by Ramos. The reason that the NRA, the National Rifle Association or ‘gun lobby’ works against efforts to ban any weapon, apart from the obvious Second Amendment Constitutional right, is that banning weapons will simply not prevent these attacks.

    It's a fact that Ramos or anyone else could have used another type of weapon or method to achieve the same result, had an AR-15 not been available. And I am certain that a 17-shot Glock 19 and a knapsack full of magazines would have worked just as effectively. And depending on which AR-15 you buy, they’re about the same price as a Glock, so banning AR-15s is not the answer.

    But school security is... I am calling on school administrators to do what we all know in our gut needs to be done. Schools must beef up security by restricting access to a single controllable entry point or ensure that all entrances are locked with video, or CCTV and either a dedicated security employee or one of the administrators granting access after they have verified that the visitor poses no threat and this may also include checking bags.

    Everyone at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde would be alive today if the administrators of that school had simply provided adequate security to protect students and teachers. If Ramos had been denied entry, 21 people would not have been murdered in that school. We don’t need to ban weapons. We need to protect ourselves from crazy people who get them. It’s that simple.

    Banning guns is not the answer. More laws is not the answer. The reason crazies like Ramos pick schools to shoot up is that they are gun-free zones, with little or no security. Those parents who today mourn the deaths of their children would gladly accept tighter security at their dead child’s school if they could have them back home safe and sound.


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    4 min
  • WHO Do You Trust?
    May 22 2022

    by Bill White


    I suspect that some of you may not even know who or what the “WHO” is…

    Well, the World Health Organization (or the WHO) is one of the many United Nations agencies, and this one was created in July 1946, which according to its own statement “… connects nations, partners and people to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable – so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health”.

    During the recent pandemic, in March 2021, 24 elected officials and one unelected employee (of the WHO), including the UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, the leaders of Fiji, Romania, Greece, Spain, Germany, France, Albania and let’s not forget Ukraine, among others, got together and published a joint article in several newspapers, calling for a more joined-up approach to pandemics in the future.

    What followed was a proposal for what these leaders called the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. At the end of November, the WHO’s World Health Assembly met in a special session to discuss the proposal and to map out the way forward.

    Most of you will be aware that the United Kingdom only recently extricated the country from the European Union, so it is puzzling, at best, why Boris Johnson would entertain, much less have initiated the process of such a Treaty. A Treaty that will, for all intents and purposes, make whatever the WHO decides “for our health” compulsory and very likely legally binding upon the country and its citizens.

    And while negotiations on the precise wording of the Treaty are still progressing under the direction of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body at the WHO, the initial meeting did not support a widespread public consultation.

    The first meeting took place in April 2022 but invited only limited submissions from “stakeholders” and the general public in response to a guiding question of “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”

    In other words, the impression was one of a foregone conclusion that such a Treaty would be agreed. Following that, less than two weeks was allowed for written submissions from the public. The second meeting is due to take place next month, in June.

    And you can expect that regardless of mounting public objection, a Treaty will be agreed and proponents of the initiative, including the UK, EU, and others have supported a legally binding treaty, with the EU suggesting that the final “international instrument” would also be binding in international law. So, the UK left the overbearing control of the European Community to submit to the control of the World Health Organization.

    We have all witnessed that the one-size-fits-all approach for pandemics, does not work. And yet these people, including Boris Johnson, seem willing to surrender the sovereignty and independence of our nations to a group of unelected bureaucrats, in Switzerland.

    Somehow, the WHO has positioned itself from “promoting health”, to dictating to us how we will live, what we can do, and when we can do it.

    And at this stage, I am not entirely sure what can be done to prevent this WHO Treaty from becoming law. But once law, I’m confident there will be very few places in the world where we can be safe from its influence.

    What do I know is that this type of non-government, government overreach is not consistent with any “democracy” I have ever seen, but what I’m seeing does compare to the totalitarian behaviour of every dictatorship and Communist government throughout history.

    WHO do you trust? I, for one, trust no one. Least of all the WHO or our current elected officials, who are literally selling us out to a group of unelected bureaucrats.


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    4 min
  • Depp vs Heard: My Verdict
    May 20 2022

    by Bill White


    Are you watching the trial? You know, “THE TRIAL”, the only thing that really matters, right now? Forget inflation, forget about Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, the crisis at the Southern border in America, or fuel prices, everywhere. Right now, what matters to everyone is whether or not Johnny Depp is a wife-beater, as alleged by his ex-wife, Amber Heard.

    These allegations were first made, by Heard, when she filed for divorce and then as part of a settlement with Depp, she withdrew those statements and was paid millions of dollars, which she said would be donated to charity. Yeah, well, she didn’t do that… Shocking, I know.

    In November 2020, Depp lost his UK libel case against The Sun newspaper over an article that called him a "wife-beater", which followed Heard’s now infamous Washington Post editorial in which she didn’t name Depp, but defamed him, nevertheless.

    Which brings us to this latest trial, brought by Depp, in the United States. Heard’s lawyers are focusing on Depp’s substance abuse and Depp’s evidence is that it was Heard who was abusive toward him, while Heard counters that her former husband was a “monster”, a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” character, whose personality changed depending on whether he was under the influence of drugs, something she says was a regular occurrence.

    In the final analysis, your take on the trial, thus far, will depend on whether you’re sympathetic to the allegations of Amber Heard or not. I have tried to follow this train-wreck of a marriage, the divorce, the first trial in the UK and now this one in the state of Virginia, with an open mind.

    But honestly, having listened to the numerous audios and after hearing the testimony of both Depp and Heard and their respective witnesses, I believe that Johnny Depp was more likely the one being battered. I don’t believe Heard’s testimony and many of her witnesses seemed to be working off a prepared script that aims to paint Depp as a violent person, something his own testimony and the audios simply do not support.

    In my opinion, Amber Heard is a manipulative, evil person. I think the only reason that Depp didn’t beat her to death is that he was wasted most of the time and I think a majority of his drug dependency can be put down to his desperate need to escape, from his wife.

    Johnny Deep, a wife-beater? Forget it. Poor sod, frankly I’m surprised we’re not reading about a murder-suicide, instead of this trial. But in any case, my verdict is for the Plaintiff.


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    3 min
  • Forget WikiLeaks, Biden Emails Exposed
    May 18 2022

    by Bill White


    I’ve had a few days off from my ‘Ranting’ while I moved our company’s websites and other media content from Amazon’s AWS platform to a collection of our own dedicated servers. I might do a video about that later, but suffice it to say, I won’t pay Amazon so that company can promote the murder of unborn children... It’s a minor protest, but revolutions have begun with less. Mayside Partners is taking a close look at everyone we do business with and making appropriate changes were possible.

    Moving on rarely does a website grab my attention with sufficient impact to cause me to comment publicly, but last night I noticed one. ICU LLC, a nonprofit research group, calling itself Marco Polo, and led by former Trump White House staffer Garrett Ziegler, launched BidenLaptopEmails.com.

    Everyone will recall how, when news of Hunter Biden’s laptop was published by the New York Post, shortly before the 2020 Presidential Election, all of the social media giants ‘circled the wagons’ to protect Joe Biden’s campaign. The Post even had its Twitter account suspended. Anyone who tried to share or DM links to the explosive news article found their posts deleted, their messages censored, and, in many cases, their accounts permanently disabled.

    Exposing the truth and corruption of the Biden Family and the direct links that former Vice President Biden and his family have with the governments of China, Ukraine, Russia and others is not Marco Polo’s only mission, but this story is one that should capture the attention of every American, with the exception of the Communists on the Left.

    In essence, the website is a document dump; a lot like WikiLeaks that currently has a collection of 128,775 emails that were taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the one this dumbass left with a repair shop in Delaware. And as nearly everyone now knows that laptop became ‘abandoned property’ when Hunter failed to collect it.

    If the truth is important to you, I would encourage you to visit BidenLaptopEmails.com. Have a look, or if you prefer, the website also allows users to download all the emails for either Mac or Windows computers. And while the ‘cat is well and truly out of the bag’ now, I would grab a copy of the emails, just in case, the Democrats get the website taken offline.

    Among the tens of thousands of emails in the searchable database, you will easily find the infamous ‘10 for the big guy’ message, in which that scumbag Hunter, and his business partner, discuss holding 10% of the equity in their multi-million-dollar deal with the Chinese on behalf of his father, Joe Biden.

    Another email shows Hunter inviting his foreign business partners and associates to a 2015 dinner at a Washington DC restaurant, where the email confirms his father will secretly be joining them. The White House at first denied Joe Biden was there, but eventually his spokesperson was forced to retract the lie when photographs emerged from the event.

    We know that these people, Biden’s family, and Democrats, generally, are brazen liars and criminals. And if you’ve watched Dinesh D’Souza’s film 2000 Mules, you know that these Communists stole the 2020 election. Dinesh’s movie focused on just one method used by Leftists to prevent President Trump’s reelection.

    Of course, there were many others, including unlawfully changing the rules in several states to permit last-minute mail-in ballots, accepting ballots from people who had moved out of state, from dead people, denying Trump voters the chance to vote in person because it was claimed they had already voted by mail and then literally stuffing the ballot box with duplicate ballots.

    Continue reading ===> https://www.wirenews.org/post/midday-rant-forget-wikileaks-biden-emails-exposed

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