The acronym for this week puts emphasizes on being set apart through how you should see yourself as Yahweh's see you in Christ. Being holy and set apart works hand and hand according to our key scripture 1 Peter 1:15-16 just as Yahweh is. But you have to understand that you are already healed, overcomer, the light (also known as salt of the earth see Matthew 5:13-16; however, you have to be yielding to the Holy Spirit to allow you to experience these things that were already predestined for you.
H.O.L.Y means
H-Healed (To make healthy and whole or sound)
-When you are healed in Christ, you become a weapon for the kingdom of Yahweh. Because you understand the identity in which you stand. However, you can be physically healed but spiritual dead.
O-Overcomer (Gain the victory over someone or something)
You gain the understanding that you have already gained victory over the schemes and tactics of the enemy. Because of who you are in Christ and what power within you, makes you full aware that Yeshua has already defeated the enemy.
L-Light (Insight, understanding, awareness)
Once you have become aware of who you are in Christ, the light shines in those dark places of your being allowing you to tap in the fullness of Abba to conquer the things that were trying to defeat you.
Y-Yielding (submissive)
You are yielding to what the Holy Spirit is doing because you already know you will come out on top due to serving a NEVER FAILING Yahweh.