Happy Aloha Friday Fam! Today on the Podcast, Harmony and I are talking about how being mindful and setting intention in our mindset allows us to develop great habits for productivity and schedule. There are also a few things that we touch base on in today's episode: Common Core Math & Virtual Learning due to Covid-19 Solving and coming together with current challenges in the world 2020 Honeygirl's World Holiday Advent Calendar Treats and Goodies we'd love to receive in an Advent Calendar An awesome Pen/Pencil Case Making your planner work for you and serve a purpose Links to a few items we shared: The Everything Planner: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JF5M8TS/?ref=exp_honeygirlk_dp_vv_d The Everything Planner Mini: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LRF7944/?ref=exp_honeygirlk_dp_vv_d Grab your 2020 Holiday Advent Calendar: https://gumroad.com/l/EsMzz Check out my Amazon Store for all the links: https://www.amazon.com/shop/honeygirlk Awesome Pen/Pencil Case mentioned: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0823FRN12/?ref=exp_honeygirlk_dp_vv_d