
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Become a 5-Star Human Being
    Dec 19 2022

    In today’s episode of Mindset Monday with Andrée Martin, we chat about Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Become a 5-Star Human Being.

    Key points include:

    Why this topic?

    Darren Daily is a favorite pep-talk I listen to daily, and we're sharing one of his best with you today.

    We love this topic because it makes you think about how you show up in the world, and it’s pretty timely for this year, which is coming to a close. 

    Here are five questions to ask yourself:

    1. What if everyone you encounter in life gave you a Yelp Review?
    2. What if they rated how well we perform as a human being? How well would you do?
    3. How well would YOU show up in Life? Not just your spouse, friends, or kids, how do you show up as a human being to others?
    4. How well do YOU show up? 
    5. If aggregated and publicly available, How will YOU drive your rating as a 5-star human being?

    What action can you take in December to ensure YOU become a 5-star human being?

    We hope that this episode will make you Go for the Gold and not settle for Silver,

    Next Steps

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at   https://andreegolf.com.

    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites: 









    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - Seven Steps to Double Down in December
    Dec 5 2022

    In today’s episode of Mindset Monday with Andrée, we chat about Seven Steps to Double Down in December.

    Key points include:

    Take a look at this year and see if we can double down in December! 

    1. In November, I did a podcast on finishing strong. We have four weeks left in the year. What is left to do? More questions and answers on the podcast!
      • Check how you stand to your vision and goals
      • Check how you stand with your competition. 
    2. Check your team. 
      • Who will finish strong and double down on them with a motivating challenge?
      •  Which team members need support? Listen for ideas to help them!
    3. Many are finishing vacations and using the holidays for family and friends, and enjoying the festivities. Give those staff members and perhaps even yourself a plan to sit, think, reflect, and plan so that when the ball drops in Times Square, the entire team pivots for an even better next year!

    4. The holidays are a great time to reach out to customers, clients, and gatekeepers. Often even the gatekeepers are on vacation, and you can more easily get through to top-level decision-makers. Listen now for answers to key questions to ask yourself and more!

    5. The holidays can make you “twirl” You can twirl, stall, do nothing or go for the gold when others are not! Here is how to pivot yourself and double down with focus:
      • Finish on projects, clients, and commitments in progress before starting something new
      • Feel like there is too much in the process? Listen to the podcast for answers to dial down overwhelm
    6. Make time for you
      • You want to start the year feeling refreshed, excited, and ready to go for the gold, having an even better year than ever! 
      • Listen to this podcast for key questions to ask and ideas to execute!
    7. Re-align to finish strong, 

    Double Down in December and Go for the Gold!

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at   https://andreegolf.com

    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites: 





    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - How Can You Give Thanks For 2022
    Nov 21 2022

    Hello everyone, and welcome back to Mindset Monday with Andree Martin on the Success InSight Podcast.

    In today’s episode, Andrée and I discuss, How you can give Thanks For 2022.

    Key points include:

    How can you give Thanks in 2022?

    1. It is never too late to go for the gold!
    2. Cutting it close? Sometimes this is hard when leadership comes from the top, and you must thank yourself first! Not from a place of ego but a place of empowerment, compassion, and passion as a leader and human being. Listen to the podcast for five ideas to succeed and be thankful!

    Know that relationships in business are all about people! Even bad years have grateful moments, learnings, and experiences.

    Was it a tough year? I have been with two companies that went through bankruptcy. In this episode, we share some advice to leaders from Andree’s personal experience, questions to ask yourself and your team, and how to empower all staff members and make lemonade at any time with gratitude!

    Here are the three areas I cover and starting questions to ask:

    1. Who are your point people? The first people others meet when they enter your doors or the golf course?
    a. Four questions to ask yourself as a leader are shared in this episode. Listen now!
    2. Go down each line and check in with your managers/executive team.
    3. Focus Forward

    Happy Thanksgiving, and Go for the Gold and be thankful!

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at

    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites:


    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - The Three Keys to Finish Strong at the Home Stretch
    Nov 7 2022

    In today’s episode, Andrée and I discuss The Three Keys to Finish Strong at the Home Stretch.

    Key points include:

    Use November to look back at your whole year.

    1. There are still two months left to gain the gold:
    a. Focus on everything completed so far to execute goals and plan for the entire year fully.
    b. To ensure you all are on track, on point, and exceeding expectations to finish the year well, listen to this episode for 8 Key questions to ask!
    c. Do it now!

    2. Oct thru Nov plan for 2023 (while most planning is done, the implementation is just starting) Ask yourself and then your team two key questions!

    3. Four Tax Planning questions to ask

    Golf Ex: by the 15th Hole golf homestretch, are you ahead of the game? Behind? At this point in the year and game, you should have and know your plan! Listen in for this story and more keys that will jog your mind to finish strong.

    We also include a Bonus

    Go for the Gold and don’t settle for Silver, and finish strong!

    Next Steps

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at


    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites:





    Click here to learn more about how EverythingDiSC personality instruments can assist you and your organization to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and have more productive conflicts. 

    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - The Four Keys to Clear Your Head and Let it Go
    Oct 24 2022

    Hello everyone, and welcome back to Mindset Monday with Andree Martin on the Success InSight Podcast.

    In today’s episode of Mindset Monday with Andrée, we chat about The Four Keys to Clear Your Head and Let it Go.

    Key points include:

    In our last episode,  Andrée talked about anything being possible. Yes, and it can go in one direction or another. So how DO we let it go?

    1. Acknowledgment and understanding are first

    2. Clear the mind and just let it go! Listen for more details!

    a. And knowing what to do, seeing it clearly in your mind, creates focus, confidence, belief, and a knowing to Just Let GO!

    3. Trust that you have it and all you need to do is swing through to the target!

    4. Letting go of control is to have control. As you listen in, Andrée shares three more keys relating to Business & Sport to sharpen your mindset.

    Letting Go puts you in the zone to repeat success over and over, going for the gold and not settling for silver!

    Next Steps

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at


    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites:





    Click here to learn more about how EverythingDiSC personality instruments can assist you and your organization to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and have more productive conflicts. 

    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - The Four Questions Leaders Should Ask to Make Anything Possible
    Oct 3 2022

    Hello everyone, and welcome back to Mindset Monday with Andree Martin on the Success InSight Podcast.

    In today’s episode of Mindset Monday with Andrée, we chat about The Four Questions Leaders Should Ask to Make Anything Possible.

    Key points include:

    • A lot has happened this year in many sports. In Mindset Monday today, Andrée uses two important golf stories to get your minds shifting to “believing anything is Possible!” 

    • Listeners are encouraged to ask themself 4 key questions to shift their mindset to what’s possible: 

    • Where have you gone out and gotten the job done this year?

    • Where have you gone out, done your best, and just missed getting the perfect client?

    • What needs a little more research, a little more deep dive, or study to go out there and have your best day ever?

    • Who on your staff needs this pep talk or is it you? 

    • Anything is possible. Quitters never win and Winners never quit! And yes it is possible to win and by going for the gold, you don’t settle for Silver!

    Next Steps

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at


    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites:





    Click here to learn more about how EverythingDiSC personality instruments can assist you and your organization to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and have more productive conflicts. 

    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - The 10 Steps All Leaders Need to Outmaneuver the Competition
    Sep 19 2022

    In today’s episode of Mindset Monday with Andrée, we chat about The 10 Steps All Leaders Need to Outmaneuver the Competition.

    Key points include:

    1. Ability to Move Quickly and Decisively
       a. Both in planning and execution
    2. Ability to Shift Course Quickly
    3. Gather and Interpret information on customer markets and your competition
    4. Information is Power
        a. Do your homework
    5. Communicate
        a. Clearly
        b. Accurately
        c. Ethically
    6. Delegate Effectively (conversation on agility)
    7. Understand New Needs
        a. Tweak, maintain & command great customer service
    8. Be willing to ShapeShift vs. standing still or following “we have always done it this way”
    9. Covid has created a New World, a “New Normal” that is ever-changing
    10. Teamwork does make the dreamwork & Succeed
        a. Prepare
        b. Play to win
        c. Go for it!

    GO for the Gold, and Don’t Settle for Silver!!

    Next Steps

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at


    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites:





    Click here to learn more about how EverythingDiSC personality instruments can assist you and your organization to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and have more productive conflicts. 

    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - The Four Steps You Need to Go From Uneasy to Unstoppable
    Sep 5 2022

    In today’s episode od Minset Monday with Andrée Martin, we chat about The Four Steps You Need to Go From Uneasy to Unstoppable.

    Key points include:

    Warren Buffet Quote

    Know your path to improvement is a process

    Andree tells LA story through the Riots of LA, “you could hear a pin drop!” and becoming UnStoppable!!

    1. What re/structuring & planning is needed to make you, your job, your business unstoppable?
      a. List Challenges
      b. Successes to date
      c. Improvements needed
      d. Tap into resources

    2. The more uneasy you are, the more anxiety & worry creep in
      a. Andree shares a way to shift and pivot

    3. The 3 E’s of Unstoppable are:
      a. Excitement
      b. Enthusiasm
      c. Energy

    Listen to how Andree goes into detail how YOU can be Unstoppable today! Are you uneasy about the future? And, Uneasy to get it all done?

    4. Create a Dream Team to be Unstoppable!

    Go for the Gold and don’t settle for Silver!!

    Next Steps

    To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at


    You can also follow Andree on the following social sites:





    Click here to learn more about how EverythingDiSC personality instruments can assist you and your organization to improve communication, build stronger relationships, and have more productive conflicts. 

    The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    22 min