
  • The Willingness To Let Go And Become by Jacob Melchizedek
    Sep 7 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    About Jacob:

    Jacob Melchizedek is an Intuitive, a Teacher, an Artist, and a Self-Empowerment & Embodiment Coach.

    Jacob offers hand-drawn transmissions, activations, and personal readings through high vibrational light codes. And intuitive healings, crafted pyramids, group play spaces, life coaching, and assists in releasing trauma and the hurt inner child. By reading what is held in our energy field, he invites many conscious ways to feel empowered by living from the heart.

    His energy and calmness emanate a beauty to be experienced. Full of compassion and wonder, he creates a space to get in touch with our innate nature, feeling aligned and one with our soul purpose. Living our highest conscious unique expression, he is passionate about assisting the embodiment of our sovereignty as co-creators of New Earth.

    Connect With Jacob:

    Website:     www.jacobbydesign.com

    Facebook:  New Earth Codes

    Jacob By Design – Craft

    YouTube:    Jacob Melchizedek

    LinkedIn:     Jacob Melchizedek

    Instagram:  new_earth_codes_

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    21 min
  • KIM by Len Blea
    Apr 2 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    Len Blea is an energy reader, energy clearer, and holder of space. She channels universal energy and holds sacred space for those during sessions. Len received her gifts at a young age but didn't know what to do with them until she became an adult and honed in on them and furthered her knowledge of them. Len has worked with men and women to focus on what it’s the cause of the issue and brings it to the surface and gives suggestions on how to work through it.

    Len knows that part of her journey is just showing up. When someone is in need, she is there. Len knows and understands that the universe brings people together as needed when need and for the length needed. She knows that she cannot and will not walk away from her path as it is what she is called to do.

    There's not a definite word of what to say is happening during sessions, and that's ok. All that matters is that Len and the client know that it is an energy flow that happens as it needs to.

    Discover more about Len:

    Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/LightingLady777/


    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    20 min
  • It's Never Too Late by Michele Joy
    Apr 2 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    Michele is a Wayshower Ascension Guide and Multidimensional Quantum Energy Worker. She is also the creatrix of the Sovereign Souls’ Ascension Mentor Program.

    Michele supports beautiful Souls to peel back the layers of their trauma programming in order to reconnect to the truth of who they truly are. Using a combination of spiritual mentoring and energy clearing transmissions, she supports her clients to raise their frequency and their consciousness levels, so they are able to move out of a victim state and return to their empowered Soul Sovereignty; fully connected to their Higher Self.

    Michele traveled her healing journey dedicated to clearing her programs and releasing her traumas. It is from her own experiences as well as her dedicated spiritual study that she has been able to develop the Sovereign Souls model. Michele is passionate about activating Starseeds, Indigos, and Lightworkers to remember their Soul purpose on this Ascension timeline.

    You can connect with Michele at the following:

    Website – www.sovereignsouls.com.au

    Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/sovereignsouls222/

    Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sovereignsouls444

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJKxMF_s9IgeGohtOmosrg

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    25 min
  • Surprises on the Ascension Path by Aisling Mary Melchizedek
    Mar 27 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    About Aisling:

    It has always been Aisling´s desire and vision to write with the divine flow to help inspire others on their journey of Awakening and Empowering themselves. So that we can all begin to remember who we truly are by origin.

    When the calling in the entire Being and each cell becomes so strong and the knowledge that these words will find the right persons and expand their sacred heart to lead them onto their path, it is a most fulfilling feeling of joy and happiness to know that she is a vessel of divine LOVE. Her words will access the deepest part in yourself and reconnect you to such wonderful inner wisdom of pure Trust in life and in living the present moment simply knowing that you are guided on each step you take. This is her way of life, which she absolutely wishes to transmit to everyone, touching this book.

    Connect with Aisling:

    Website URL: https://divinesoulflow.com/es_es/

    Business Name: Divine Soul Flow

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/www.divinesoulflow

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    30 min
  • Finding Color by Jen Zangrillo
    Mar 26 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    About Jen:

    Jen Zangrillo is a spiritual warrior, reiki master, and self-actualizing advisor who empowers lightworkers to heal from trauma and conditioning to discover their gifts, freedom, and light.  She is about to release her memoir, Finding Color, which details her awakening journey of uncovering repressed childhood trauma in the midst of a high-pressured tech career while overcoming depression and adventuring through multiple past lives and dimensions. She ultimately discovers the complexity of darkness and light, the struggle between the two throughout the history of time, and how vital it is to bring light into this tumultuous world.

    Jen graduated from Boston University, where she studied Elementary Education and Computer Science.  She wrapped up a successful tech career as an executive that helped drive her company to a successful acquisition, which ultimately ended up funding her intense healing journey. She resides in Charleston with her soulmate husband and her circus of animals.

    Instagram: JennieZ_findingcolor

    Facebook: Jen Korby Zangrillo

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    29 min
  • Gratitude Multiplies Miracles by Honey Marie Love
    Mar 26 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    About Honey:

    Highly regarded author, international speaker, and online wellness center owner, Honey-Marie Love is an intuitive psychic medium who uses her gifts as a spiritual life coach and energy healing teacher to help you shift from surviving to thriving.

    Mama Honey, the Serenity Maven, as she is known online, has a passion for her movement, creating and connecting a community of highly sensitive women ready to step into your power through dedication to daily self-care and self-healing so that you can show up confidently in your life purpose.

    Mama Honey helps you to create inner peace and healing; physically, mentally, and spiritually.  In her book, Stop Burnout Now, The Serenity Maven’s Guide To Balanced Wellness, she shares the steps, as well as tips and activities, for empaths, healers, psychics, and mediums to shift from surviving to thriving when you feel sick and tired from being overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

    Where to find Honey:

    Website: www.TargetedWellbeingCenter.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MamaHoneytheSerenityMaven

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/serenitymavens

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtdNBp1hykic1Qukmzs5GQ/videos


    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@psychicmamahoney

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/honey-marie-love/


    Family Healing Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GWH5oqnhM3m0YP4acOUyP?si=YuTGyY55QKyKzZEqSpx9Tg&dl_branch=1

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    25 min
  • THE MIRACLE OF LIGHT LANGUAGE by Patricia Wald-Hopkins
    Mar 14 2022

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    About Patricia:

    Patricia Wald-Hopkins is a Modern Mystic, Infinite Self Catalyst, and Soul Liberation Guide for those who are ready to break free from old paradigm limitations and awaken to the gifts of their Infinite Self, so they can lead the life they are DIVINELY designed to live. She supports her clients as an Akashic Records Wisdom Guide and with various healing and transformational modalities, including essential oil perfumes, crystals, and light language to support them to embody their Infinite Self. She is a Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide, as well as a co-founder of the School of Light, a mystery school based on the Gene Keys transmission. She is the author of a chapter, The EmBODY Codes: Transmissions of a Mystic on the Sacred Body and Being Human, in the book Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity; and the creator of the Infinite Self Oracle Card deck.

    You can find Patricia at:










    Patricia Librada Wald-Hopkins - Inspired Life Coach

    Patricia Librada Wald-Hopkins - Soul Liberation Guide

    Infinite Self Akashic Records

    Mariposa Body

    School Of Light

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    24 min
  • FINDING PEACE - Elsie Blea
    Mar 14 2022

    Read by Anna Blea

    ♥ Grab a copy of my #1 Bestselling Multi-Author Book: Miraculous  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNCNGNN

    ♥Want to contribute to Moon Goddess Publishing's next multi-author books: Oracle and Book of Activations?

    Apply here: https://lnkd.in/gugnt44W

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    20 min