In today’s episode we will be discussing Mobility exercises and their importance for overall wellness.
Mobility exercises are definitely gaining momentum in the fitness world and we are here for it! Mobility refers to how well you can move and is the result of flexibility, range of motion, and strength. Building these mobility exercises into any daily routine is important for overall wellness. Recovery sessions are a great way to introduce mobilizing movements that send muscles and joints through their full range of motion. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight, putting you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage (and more days outta the gym with those DOMS am I right?)
As simple as it may seem, sitting down for a stretch isn’t always the easiest part of recovery. So let’s chat about a few tips on how to create a well rounded routine that includes recovery for ultimate results during this Challenge and beyond!
Tip 1: Balance your F45 workouts and active recovery according to your fitness level
Tip 2: Be aware and listen to your body.
Tip 3: Don’t waste time- make recovery an extension of your F45 workouts through the F45 challenge app.
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Hit play & subscribe to live a fitter, healthier & happier lifestyle with F45, New Albany.
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