Mom's on Meds

Auteur(s): Elle Gray
  • Résumé

  • Mom's on Meds is a podcast for moms who have struggled with or are currently walking through mental illness. Join me as I share my journey toward becoming mentally healthy, and have honest conversations with other moms who are doing the same. The hope for this podcast is to bring awareness to the existence and expression of mental illness, particularly in how it impacts motherhood, and to encourage you with the truth that your best days are yet to come.

    Disclaimer: This podcast is not qualified to offer medical advice. It exists purely to offer stories of individual triumph, share helpful resources, and serve as a positive voice in the mental health arena.

    Mom's on Meds 2023
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  • Episode 6: Experiencing and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
    Mar 3 2024

    Hello! I am so glad you're here!

    In this episode I define and give personal examples of my experience with imposter syndrome. I share a few stats and hit on how to recognize imposter syndrome in your own life and how to take steps toward overcoming it. I pray in this episode you find encouragement and hope for your own mental health journey.

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    47 min
  • Episode 5: My Journey with PMDD and Having a Hysterectomy at 29
    Nov 8 2023

    Welcome to Mom's on Meds!

    In this episode, I cover my journey toward getting diagnosed with PMDD and the events that led to deciding to have a radical hysterectomy at 29. I also discuss the importance of being your own best healthcare advocate, and, of course, not giving up on your worst days.

    I hope this episode encourages you through whatever you're walking through, and shines a ray of hope for you if you are experiencing this topic for yourself!

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    41 min
  • Episode 4: Reconciling Faith with Mental & Physical Suffering
    Jul 21 2023
    I'm so glad you're here!I hope this episode encourages you as I share my personal journey in developing my faith, and how I allow my faith in God to influence the way I see my mental and physical sufferings. I also share my view of healing, as seen in the Bible, and how understanding God's redemptive goal for His creation is far greater than our end goal of being healed.Join me on Instagram for more Mom's on Meds content - @momsonmedspodcast
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    43 min

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