What a wild ride 2024 was - from big life changes to surprising shifts in Apple development, I'm sharing the story of what went down this year. After navigating job hunts, tech trends, and some unexpected wins (and losses), I've got some insights about where we're headed in 2025, plus some exciting opportunities for you Swift folks!
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- Newsletters | BrightDigit
- Now Hiring! macOS, watchOS, HealthKit and more...!
- Being Sendable with SwiftData
- Using ModelActor in SwiftData
- SwiftData CRUD Operations with ModelActor
- brightdigit/DataThespian: Concurrency-Friendly SwiftData
- Apple is pausing notification summaries for news in the latest iOS 18.3 beta
- Even Apple wasn’t able to make VR headsets mainstream in 2024
- How does Server Side Swift Workout in the Real World? - Leo Dion
- Swift & Interoperability - Tony Parker & Ben Cohen
Related Episodes
- Swift Toolkit with Natan Rolnik
- ChatGPTovski with Kris Slazinski
- It Depends with Brandon Williams
- Swift Server Workgroup with Joannis Orlandos
- SwiftUI Field Guide with Chris Eidhof
- Fear of the Main Thread with Matt Masicotte
- Posture Island with Jordi Bruin
Social Media
GitHub - @brightdigit
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdion
Patreon - brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- (00:00) - Introduction
- (01:07) - Job Market
- (04:13) - Apple Stuff
- (08:51) - Analytics Review
- (11:10) - Future Plans
Thanks to our monthly supporters - Bertram Eber
- Edward Sanchez
- Satoshi Mitsumori
- Steven Lipton
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