Abraham is called the father of faith, and for good reasons. He deserves this accolade, because he showed us how to believe God. When the word of the Lord came to him in a vision, he obeyed without questioning or doubting—you can do the same. Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness (Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6). That means, the Almighty gave him righteousness as a gift. This is what happens to you and all believers who put their faith in Yeshua, the Son of God (Romans 5:15-19). Yeshua is the Seed of Abraham, through faith in Him, you are a partaker in the blessings of Abraham. But there’s a caveat, when the Word of the Lord came to him in the vision of Genesis 15:1; it began with, “FEAR NOT”. This was no accident. God prefaced His promise to Abraham with a resounding, fear not, on purpose. So that you could understand this: fear is a major obstacle to believing and possessing the blessings contained in the promises of God. So many of us deal with fears of different kinds: fear of the failures, fear of man, fear of the future, fear of the unknown, etc.. Fear comes to rob you of faith in God. Do what Abraham did, don’t give fear an inch in your life. Nothing will be impossible for you, if you believe God. Overcome Fear to Move by Faith in God In this classic podcast (restored from cassette tape) I encourage you to take your righteous position in God, be bold like a lion, and possess what God has for you--and move from fear to faith. Remember to share this encouraging message with your friends.