
  • March Market Update: What’s REALLY Happening with Social Security, DOGE & Tariffs
    Mar 14 2025

    There’s a lot of anxiety out ​there ​right ​now ​about ​the ​market ​and ​the ​current ​economy ​that ​we're ​experiencing. ​People are concerned about the uncertainty surrounding Social Security, DOGE, tariffs, and more. So ​I ​wanted ​to ​get ​on ​here ​and ​try to ​dispel some of the ​myths, ​talk ​about ​what's ​actually ​happening, ​and ​then ​drill ​down ​specifically ​to ​what ​you ​should ​be ​doing ​yourself.

    Here’s some of the things we’ll cover:

    📉 Market Volatility Explained – What’s really causing the recent swings?

    🗳️ Political & Economic Factors – Tariffs, policy shifts & investor panic

    💰 Social Security Myths – Why it’s likely not going away anytime soon

    🚀 Managing Market Anxiety – Why less news = better financial health

    0:00 – Intro

    1:31 – Social Security fears

    3:27 – DOGE

    4:52 – What’s causing the volatility

    7:16 – What should you be doing?

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

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    12 min
  • What’s the Best Age for Retirement?
    Jan 30 2025

    What’s the average age that people retire? While that question can give you an idea of what most Americans do, it’s best to understand why people choose the specific ages they do. This video will explain the key ages that influence retirement decisions to help you identify the factors that might affect your timeline.

    We’ll tell you why the milestone ages begin at 59.5 and what ages are most important for Social Security and Medicare. Most of our clients at Rosewood Wealth Management tend to retire between the ages of 65 and 68, but there is a wide spectrum of retirement ages based on individual circumstances and goals. Plus, there’s a wildcard that you need to know about if you’re a state employee.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    0:56 – Age 59.5

    1:52 – Age 62

    2:44 – Age 65

    4:20 – Age 66/67

    5:52 – Wildcard for state employees

    7:11 – Our clients’ retirement age

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

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    9 min
  • Can a Will Override Beneficiaries from a Previous Marriage?
    Dec 26 2024

    What happens when you get remarried and want to create a new will and estate plan with your new spouse? Do you have to change all of your previous beneficiaries or will the new will override those existing designations? That’s the question we’re answering in this week's show.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    0:51 – Beneficiaries override the will

    2:32 – Estate planning challenges with second marriages

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

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    6 min
  • Financial Planning Trick or Treat
    Oct 24 2024

    With Halloween on the horizon, we’re rolling out a themed edition of the show today by tackling some of the trick or treat decisions of the financial planning world. We’re going to present John with four different products that have risen in popularity recently and find out whether he would characterize them as tricks or treats.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    1:20 – Home equity line of credit

    5:18 – Infinite banking

    8:12 – Buying gold

    10:17 – No closing cost mortgage

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

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    15 min
  • I Was Laid Off at 61, Do I Need to Find a New Job?
    Oct 3 2024

    Getting laid off or forced into retirement earlier than expected can be a big blow emotionally and financially, but it’s a life event that many people will have to navigate. If you find yourself in this position of no longer having a job before you were prepared to retire, should you go find another job or can you find a way to retire without it?

    Today we’re answering a question we received recently from someone who is 61 and trying to determine if they need to go back to work. John will walk you through the factors that will impact this decision, like financial readiness and health insurance needs. Covering that gap until Medicare kicks in is often one of the biggest financial challenges for retiring early so we’ll share some options you could consider.

    This is one of those situations where planning is critical for getting a clear answer that will allow you to move forward confidently, and we’ll give you a better understanding of the process we work through to help you develop that plan.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    1:32 – Withdrawing from retirement accounts

    2:40 – Knowing where you stand in terms of retirement income

    5:46 – Wanting to know the answer

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

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    8 min
  • Do I Need To Wait Until 70 To Take Social Security?
    Sep 26 2024

    Social Security timing is one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make in your retirement planning journey. Should you wait until 70 to claim your benefits, or is it better to start earlier?

    Today we’re going to answer a question from someone who planned to wait until 70 for Social Security so they didn’t leave money on the table, but now that they’re approaching age 68, they’re having second thoughts about waiting. So what’s the best path forward?

    John breaks down the pros and cons of taking Social Security at different ages and why there’s never one answer that applies to every situation. He’ll also share practical examples of how Rosewood Wealth Management has helped clients make the best decision about Social Security within their overall income plan.

    You want a well-thought-out retirement plan that takes your entire financial picture into account because Social Security is a decision need to get right.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    0:44 – When to start taking Social Security benefits

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

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    9 min
  • Should You Purchase Long-Term Care Insurance in Your 50s?
    Sep 19 2024

    As we age, one of the most pressing questions we face is how to manage long-term care expenses. What coverage will you need and what’s the best way to pay for that coverage? Today we answer a question about purchasing LTC insurance and whether it’s worth doing while you’re in your 50s.

    John will discuss whether it is a necessary investment for those nearing retirement age and examine alternative options such as self-insuring and leveraging life insurance policies with accelerated death benefits. One significant drawback of insurance is the potential for premiums to increase over time, potentially pricing policyholders out just when they might need the coverage the most, which is why you want to know all of the options available.

    Join us as we break down the pros and cons of different strategies to address long-term care expenses.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    0:39 – LTC insurance at an earlier age can be a mixed bag

    2:50 – Can you self-insure?

    6:45 – Life insurance to pay for long-term care

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

    Voir plus Voir moins
    12 min
  • Legacy Planning in a Tax-Efficient Manner
    Sep 12 2024

    It can be challenging for a lot of folks to think about legacy planning because it takes a lot of forward thinking. Not everyone wants to plan that far ahead, but for some, it’s incredibly important to leave their loved ones with an inheritance.

    Today we are answering a question from someone who wants to leave money for their children and grandchildren but also wants to ensure that they’re not paying more in taxes on that money than they need to. John will examine some common thoughts and concerns that revolve around legacy planning and discuss some better ways to think about the answer to this question.

    This video focuses on how to ensure your legacy is as tax-efficient as possible. Whether you are a parent or grandparent, understanding how to structure your inheritance can make a significant difference in the amount of money your heirs will receive. This is the final part of a four-part series where we’ve been looking into how children and grandchildren fit into financial planning, as we take a holistic view of how they tie into your financial future.

    Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    2:47 – Passing on money from tax-deferred accounts.

    5:13 – When to start the legacy discussion.

    8:42 – The challenges to structuring a legacy in a tax-efficient manner.

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

    Schedule a Meeting: http://meetwithjohn.com

    Check us out on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46RaLvL

    Voir plus Voir moins
    11 min