
  • Analog Vs Dial-up
    Mar 2 2021

    In this episode we give y'all, our lovely listeners, our regular new and basic topics at the time of this recording.

    We discuss the podcast, inauguration, Donald Trump, Our Age, this dial-up thing? So many topics including pasts lives, and of course WandaVision!! This episode is dedicated to my younger brother Aiden who turned 15 today!! As a fellow marvel fan we cannot wait till this weeks Finale for Wandavision, this week our podcasts will be uploading daily to bring y'all our reactions and theories before the final episode! We hope y'all will enjoy hearing what we thought could play out and what is yet to come!


    Follow our Best Friends Podcast socials here : 

    Twitter-  @bestfriends_pod 

    Insta-  @my.bestfriends.podcast 

    ******** You can also follow our personal social medias here : 

    Twitter- @theericsaucedo              @drewpool13 

    Insta-  @theericsaucedo            @just.a.g.frm.da.p 

    TikTok- @andrewsalinas03 @theericsaucedo

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Start of...
    Mar 1 2021
    After a very long unpreventable circumstances we are back and with our first review of the Marvelous show WANDAVISION!! In this recording we discuss the First and Second episodes of the show, and what we predicted for this season of Wandavision. We here, at My Best Friends Podcast have decided to wait till the last week of the show to give y'all daily content! As we progress with our own concepts of each episode throughout the weeks, each of our podcast episodes were recorded after the premier of a new Wandavision episode. We appreciate y'alls patience and hope y'all enjoy this weeks content! ******** Follow our Best Friends Podcast socials here : Twitter-  @bestfriends_pod Insta-  @my.bestfriends.podcast ******** You can also follow our personal social medias here : Twitter- @theericsaucedo              @drewpool13 Insta-  @theericsaucedo            @just.a.g.frm.da.p TikTok- @andrewsalinas03 @theericsaucedo
    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • One Hell of a Mf Year
    Feb 3 2021

    OOOuuuueeeee it has been one hell of a year! This episode was recorded Before Christmas, and took us so long to upload because of personal problems. Which we will discuss! This episode was recorded before the first episode of WandaVision aired and we go over our own theories and fan theories of what is to come for the future Phases in the MCU! This is the First episode of My Best Friends Podcast so be sure to share it with your best friends! We also discuss Andrew turning another year older, as well as some controversial opinions on the COVID-19 Vaccine.

    It is a longer episode since we did not upload it at the said time we put together multiple recordings throughout December.

    Thank y'all for tuning in! See you soon

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    1 h et 22 min
  • It's The, MCU, Final Countdown (Part 2)
    Dec 8 2020

    Welcome ALL Marvel fans, and a special Welcome BACK to all our lovely loyal listeners! Thank y'all so much for being patient, and thank you for allowing us in your homes, cars, ipod, or wherever you are listening to this episode! We want to remind y'all just how much we are thankful for y'all so stay till the very end of the episode! This is the Finale to our MCU list rated from WORST to BEST (#1 = the worst , #23 = the Best {in our opinions}). Feel free to give us any feedback or your very own personal MCU lists by following our official Podcast socials , we dedicate this episode to all Marvel fans around the world. We hope y'all enjoy it. This episode is part TWO of a TWO part mini series.

    Twitter : @bestfriends_pod

    Insta; @my.bestfriends.podcast

    We are so thankful for every single one of y'all, we also want to inform y'all this will be the last episode of the ''My Best Friend is Almost 30" podcast... As sad as it is... we could NEVER leave y'all!!

    From this point forward we are rebranding and y'all will notice a few changes, the main change being our OFFICIAL PODCAST NAME, which starting on the next episode will be known officially as "My BestFriends Podcast"  we hope y'all continue to grow with us as we rebrand and make a few changes. Thank y'all for everything we appreciate all the Love we have gotten this year!!

    Because we are rebranding make sure you FOLLOW us or like or add us to your preferred podcast host (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, etc) so y'all will be notified when the next episode of ours will be up. AKA the 1st episode of the new podcast.

    Keep a look out for the next new episode on MY BESTFRIENDS PODCAST


    No copyright infringement intended.

    All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

    This Podcast and their Hosts do not own any official Marvel themed Music nor their counterparts used in the Movies themselves.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • The MCU List. (Part One)
    Nov 20 2020

    Welcome to the Marvel Cinematic Universe Worst to Best Movies ! In this episode we give y’all the Marvel Movie lists. This goes out to all our Marvel Lovers out there, especially those of our listeners who have been keeping up and waiting for this list! We wanted it to be perfection before giving y’all the much needed marvel updates and news. Unfortunately, because we love the MCU so much we had to separate the list into two separate parts. This is PART ONE OF TWO involving the All Time Worst to All Time Best Marvel Cinematic Universe List. Be sure to leaves y’alls’ opinion through our twitter and Instagram

    Twitter: @bestfriends_pod 

    Insta: @my.bestfriends.podcast 

    Be sure to tune in to the next episode for the rest of our lists!


    No copyright infringement intended. 

    All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

    This Podcast and their Hosts do not own any official Marvel themed Music nor their counterparts used in the Movies themselves 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • "okcrazy", It's Okay, a lil Crazy.
    Nov 13 2020

    Happy Friday the 13th! This episode we welcome One of our favorite Co-host back to the Podcast after a long needed paternity leave. We also talk about the election results with some twist to it, we take y'all on a journey to the past the night before the election, AND discuss the results. We also bring in a well liked guest for our first Interview. We discuss his point of view and how he felt about this election, the integrity of it, fraud, fake news, and a message to the President himself. With more journeys through the past we also talk about New Podcast Marvel news, and the list y'all have been long awaiting for. Then we take some trips down memory lane and how our childhood brought us closer as best friends, with stories from way back when about our hoodrat tendencies!

    Lastly, we want to thank ALL our listeners from around the world as we figure out 2020 and the past, present, and future of this podcast. Thank y'all for joining us on this crazy podcast during the craziest year ever. As the holidays approach, Best Friend Co-Host Andrew Salinas is creating customized wreaths for sale! We at My Best Friend is Almost 30 decided to create a special "Best Friends" wreath as a Holiday GIEVAWAY. Free shipping ANYWHERE in the world for the lucky winner, alls you have to do is follow us on Twitter and Instagram, show us you are a loyal listener and you can win a custom wreath FOR FREE. He is also taking orders for customized "Holiday themed" wreaths, prices will very, submit order via Gmail, Twitter, or Instagram

    Co-Host Andrew Salinas socials:

    Twitter: @drewpool13

    Insta: @just.a.g.frm.da.p

    Co-Host Eric Saucedo socials:

    Twitter & Insta: @theericsaucedo

    Bestfriends Email:


    Thank Y'all for tuning in and be sure to Rate, Like, Follow, Subscribe, and whatever else you think of this podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 12 min
  • Have a Safe Halloweekend
    Oct 30 2020
    Welcome to the first episode of my podcast thank you for listening! With the best friend on paternity leave we at the Best Friends 30 podcast decided to give you a lovely but shorter episode featuring only Eric at this time. Don’t forget voting is currently happening in America and next week so GET YOUR VOICE HEARD! Email us @ bestfriends30podcast@gmail.com twitters : @theericsaucedo & @drewpool13 hope y’all enjoy y’alls hallowweekend
    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Mandela Effecting Us
    Oct 18 2020

    What did we talk about? We Have Tea Time With Eric. Voting, and so much more we hope y'all enjoy

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min