Whether you loved, hated or slept through the President’s State of the Union, Go Bonobos for my State of the SEXUAL Union Address to the Nation for 2024 broadcast live on “Active Radio” with Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 where I break down the state of sex & politics in 2024 & take down the Christofascists (Hello Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society, powerbroker behind our Supreme Court fetishizing fetuses & eroticizing embryos, but once you’re born, you’re over the hill) +Zionist War P0rn, Ammosexual Incels, Anti-Sex “Feminists” & Censorship by Bot (Save the Date: June 26 for the Dr. Suzy vs. Zuck the Cuck Showdown when we takes META to Arbitration for Wrongful Deactivation & Algorithmic Dehumanization), + I lay out my pro-bonobo vision for a Sex-Positive, Anti-War, Anti-Genocide, Free-Speech, Female-Empowered, Male-Nurtured, Peace-through-Pleasure Future. More here: https://drsusanblock.com/active-radio-4